
Maybe try reading an article before commenting on it. Dumbass.

I just finished listening to the 3 (so far) WWI episodes on Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast. I would listen to it driving home from work and notice that I had been rendered slack-jawed by some of the firsthand accounts he reads. The scale of destruction was terrific (in the original sense of the word).

What more do you need from Irvin Kershner's ESB to impress you? Personally, I have to this day, decades later, never been able to get through Lynch's interpretation of Dune. It's a bloody shame he was the one to put Dune on the silver screen, poor Frank must of been senile when he was on the set watching Lynch's film

Well, I was referring to the fact that she died in childbirth at all...It's a plot hole because Leia knew her mother when she was alive. She says so in the original saga. It's in canon and GL's words that she remembers her mother, not Lady Organa. So it's a plot hole.

I would argue that the whole movie was nothing but plot-holes linked by action sequences.

I remember an interview with them where they said they didn't know how to work their way out of that cliffhanger, but were confident they could figure it out. IMO, they did. It worked well. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't premeditated. (Could be wrong.)

Zoe Bartlet's been kidnapped by ... someone. The President's given over power to the Republicans. Nobody has any idea what's going on.

Earth: Final Conflict. Pretty much every season cliffhanger (gasp, how will they explain away the protagonist's apparent death? What will they do now that the mothership is destroyed? Exploding volcano containing pretty much everyone of import?) is essentially a lead-in to an entirely new main character or species

This is one of the all-time classics... they brought Starbuck back from the dead and revealed four new Cylons at the end of BSG season three, and the writers have admitted they came up with this at more or less the last minute, figuring they would explain it all later.

"The issue? Whether Adam and Eve were the progenitors of humanity."

Does it say who Harrison Ford is playing? I really liked that guy in Crystal Skull a few years back.

Remember that is including cities like DC and New York and then Detroit, Minneapolis/St Paul and Ame, Iowa- the average is sum total divided!

Ser Pounce of House Cockblock

I can't imagine voluntarily going to a wedding.

I'm actually in the process of looking for a place in dc. Max allowable is 300k.ive found a couple of solid leads and dc is a great place to buy if you can afford it obviously.

Can't wait till the 3rd one is out and someone on the internet edits the trilogy into a single, if somewhat long, movie, with all of the superfluous crap removed.

My sister lives in DC. They just bought a house in Maryland (so I guess she lives in Maryland now). They paid $300k for a 900 sq ft, 2br 1bath. I paid $143k for my house outside of New Orleans with 950 sq ft, 2br 1bath with a giant back yard.

"Go ahead, JX-5. You are cleared for Improbable but Dramatic Effect."

"Seatle Control this is JX-5, we are declaring a plot device, repeat, we are declaring a plot device"

How do these copies manage to sell for so much? Are the buyers unaware they are just copies? This makes no sense.