
Footrace Between Drunk Bears, Fans Ends Exactly As It Should

As much as I loved 95% of this episode, I have one pretty major peeve. The Time War is supposed to take place all over cosmos, both space and time. Billions are supposed to die and resurrect in an eternal cycle of horror and pain in the heart of the War. Monstrous abominations are supposed to be born from the

Dangling Moffat plot thread #459034. I double we'll ever hear about it again, though I'd be enormously pleased to be wrong.

Yeah, keep the government out of our public schools! :/

'way too many editors'...

Is it me, or do the actors who play Charlie and Miles have crazy sexual chemistry? Every time they are in a scene together they are making doe eyes at each other. I wouldn't be surprised if they are screwing around in real life. It kind of reminds me of the scenes in Alias when Jen Garner and Michael Vartan were

I don't know how anyone could believe the same guy who supposedly created hundreds of billions of galaxies would have anything to do with such a terribly written book.


Put the movie out of your mind and try again, it is a little slow at first post Gom Jibar but things get moving again rather quickly as things start going to hell.

If it gets you through security faster, you could be naked for all I care.

Exactly. If people wearing comfortable clothes in situations where they might have to spend 20 hours sitting in a cramped seat makes you angry, you might want to rethink your priorities in life.
(I'm from 'abroad', presuming you meant the US.)

Orgasming during random hookups is basically an Easter egg. I'm no longer in the business of random hookups: for good reason. I've found that sexually investing in one or a few people who you teach about your specific needs is far more pleasurable.

SPOILER: Rachel and Thomas will fall in love, then learn they are twins. Then they will move to Westera Virginosa, where it will not matter.

Anti-GMO activists? You mean like the entirety of Europe?

There are SO many issues surrounding GMO's this doesn't even seem like a "denier" category. What's being denied? Unless you are saying you are sick of those who claim that GMOs are no different than non-modified crops. But the problem is, thanks to the

Here's the thing: While a lot of these do considerable damage to science or institutions, I think the most damage being done to our society as a whole is by supply-side economists. Trickle-down economics has been proven to be a complete fantasy, and yet Congress is still filled with people who deny this is the case.

Nah, a overwhelming majority of the current anti-vaccine movement was spawned from Jenny McCarthy and the BS "Vaccines cause Autism" study that was proven to be bogus in every way, shape and form.

I'm the personality type that knows the Myers Briggs is complete crap.

On first-run, it asks for access to your reminders, so I'm guessing that it's read/write.