
Shouldn't DC Comics be located in D.C.?

Seriously? Oliver "The only good Irish catholic is a DEAD Irish catholic" Cromwell?

Indy tracks the remaining Nazis to their underground base in Antarctica... maybe we see a probe droid crash in the distance but Indy is too busy to notice...

One time a guy came in halfway through the movie, sat near the front, and immediately started snoring. He went for maybe fifteen minutes before some teenagers started throwing change at him. It rustled him a little, but then he started snoring again and left before the movie was over (a napping employee?). Anyway, my

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Seriously blew my mind when I was young. This INVENTED the cliffhanger for me.

Sure you can stop my evil plan, wait no you cant.

Everyone within 3 feet of the Range Rover, wearing motorcycling apparel, and off of their bike should receive attempted murder.

I love this movie, and not just for the naked space vampire. :)

Way to go!?! thousands of years of evolution down the drain.. now we got to start all over again..

for HD?

You're right. Really there are many places to begin with Doctor Who and a ton of good reviewers online with a condensed history of the show to get you up to speed on the classic series and how it factors into the new one so far. 9 and 10 are pretty closely tied together in terms of continuity but Moffat intentionally

I would have loved to see it as a throwaway scene in the TNG episode where the 20th century people were woken from hibernation. Imagine a preacher or traditional conservative sort, confused by a crewmember wearing the infamous male skirt uniform and asking:

I want a far-future Star Trek where the Federation is crumbling under the sheer weight of too many planets, too many conflicts, etc and the story could evolve around a new ship being given the old name Enterprise as a symbol of the Federation's golden age as it takes on missions to try and retain as much peace and

I'll write you a ticket for Speedying

Huawei: sending all your datas to China

If only they'd put as much effort into the script.

I think Batman himself would have approved of his response: "I handle shit."

Athletic worship ranks with some of the worst human attributes I can think of.