
Q: Why does Batman wear dark clothes?

The first couple issues were difficult to follow. It really starts firing on all cylinders with issue 3, and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Actually, I think the Moffat-bashing has gotten a tad overblown. There's a lot to love about his era, including some really funny, clever writing. Just the characters of Madame Vastra and Strax are worth being happy about. River Song was great until her backstory got overly convoluted and she lost some of her agency

I am a horrible dishwasher loader and my wife is very vocal about my lack of ability. That said, I almost snarfed my 6" buffalo chicken sub over "When I open an unorganized dishwasher it's like pulling back the yellow tarp and finding a dead hooker." God bless your similes.

Oh my god... Finally. Dear lord. I cant fu**ing stand it when my family loads the dishwasher like a god damn 4 year old. There is a method to this madness people, and I swear to god, I think I just soiled my dish watching this. It was like a sexy hand of god was placing those dishes exactly where I load my own. When

I really do not like this logic. Real Nerds watch Community? Isn't the point of geek culture that you are allowed to like whatever you want without judgement? Part of the fun for me of being a geek is that I can like geeky things and just enjoy them for their pure geekiness. I like Community, but I often cringe at how

I can definitely understand why many people could see it that way, but I honestly never felt like the show was deliberately mean spirited. Heck, I've seen a lot of shows where the geeky, nerd characters are objects of real ridicule. BBT has always felt more like a funny look at this kind of culture that pokes fun but

Sorry, that's some of the biggest BS I've ever read. You are STILL butthurt about Google Reader? Get over it, Feedly is already better than Google Reader ever was.

Those lobsters can live with themselves. It's the lobsters that are black on the right side that need to be exterminated!

Confucius say: Game without ball is no game; but still a million times better than fucking Nascar.

My vote is for the remnants of human society finding the Stargate in the ruins of a post-apocalyptic wasteland. They have passed down the stories of SG-1 and their adventures for generations and now have the tool to rediscover the universe!

Or they hand you off to the person at the desk next to them, who has exactly the same limited authority as the first person.

I'm polite and reasonable until I have to deal with Comcast customer service. Fuck those guys.

The perception that Cypher is a pointless character purely because his powers aren't easily applicable to a physical conflict is one of the things that bothers me about superhero comicbook culture. The ability to instantly understand and translate languages is freakin' incredible.

It's an old custom that men pay, most likely because women were not encouraged to work and if they did then they were not paid the same. As both genders are equal nowadays, its normal for a woman to pay for her meal.

I wouldn't compare Damar to Baltar. Baltar seemed to be the type of person who would never do anything if it was not to his benefit, and a lot of decisions were to keep his ass covered. He was wracked with guilt.

Damar was a decent man, at least as far as men go in the Cardassian military. But his descision to side

Fat Lee was the best Lee.

Damar's transformation made total sense. He was a loyal Glin to Dukat, ready to remake the world in his image, then disillusioned by the reality of what power does to people, and finally, when put in power as a figurehead, haunted by his own corruption and guilt, and stymied by his powerlessness under the Dominion.

Probably the moment he was shifted into a position of authority after handing his own homeworld to the Dominion. Then further when Dukat cracked (His fault, BTW) and he was promoted to a greater position of authority he could not handle. He was straight-laced and pragmatic and the Dominion rule of the Cardassian

Awww, see, I loved this about Damar! All he wanted to do was be a soldier, not the Dominion's lapdog. He drank to cope.