
After your first day on a framing crew, you will never be with out. . .

Honestly, to me it made a lot of sense, but I'm white and I know I have a limited perspective on this.

As a fellow young white middle class woman, I literally just don't understand racism, so sometimes its hard for me to wrap my head around that it as a really problem. I distinctly remember sitting in french class (well, before french class) in the 8th grade, and this kid, Cliff, read a poem about racism, and I was so

I would add the weakness here is not just that the article ignores racial prejudice, but that it understates the role that Black Twitter played in spreading news about Ferguson (indeed, days before the TV cameras got there). The post seems to define the viral nature of news as something that just happens, like a mob,

Anything 706HP and under just doesn't cut it anymore. With my measly 510HP and 517HP, I sometimes doubt I'll even be able to make it up to highway speeds in a safe time to avoid a collision and certain death.

Can't unsee...

You can buy this Lamborghini Huracan for the price of a used bicycle.

More like Audi Master of Seduction

Still not as bad as Subway stealing my advertisement idea for a male escort service.

Yeah, pretty much anyone who was alive and the right age in the area at the time has at least one drug-smuggling story. The revenue from the 80s is still funding half of the tri-county area.

of course they are middle class, after all they only own one yacht.

So wrong, the vinyl padding is supposed to go on the top, not around the car.

Fearless or actually an idiot. To borrow from Spinal Tap, "It's such a fine line between stupid and clever, isn't it?"

They are caught up in this thing all web media "have" to do which is frankly based on the same notion as "Miss World hopes for world peace" - by that I mean Jalopnik are in a very prominent position and they feel a need to push the women up. There's nothing wrong with an article about why the term is stupid. I didn't

Check out pictures of track/keirin cyclists legs. Absolutely monstrous.

You saw it wrong, look at any time he has a rear wheel in his hand, the gears are hanging off it.

Nhung shivered as she waited in the surgery. It smelled scrubbed and antiseptic, but it was still a dingy room. The tiles of the floor where chipped when they weren't missing entirely. The padded patient's chair—one that looked like a better venue for pulling teeth than detaching limbs—was held together with thick

I actually asked several physicists about it, and the answer I got from all of them was that the engine described really just couldn't work — it would be the equivalent of trying to make your car go faster by pushing on the steering wheel.