
Something tells me Andrew likes being the center of attention.  Any kind of attention will do.

FAR more than POCs anywhere on this planet. Farhigher net worth, far higher education and far higher property values...while POCs rank lowest in every one, fuckboy.

This Mod proves why Voice Actors are paid, and not anyone off the street can be a VA.

Don’t wear a Halloween costume that doesn’t reflect your culture or heritage.” “That’s cultural appropriation, and it makes you look like an idiot.”

I was growing up when they were becoming a thing. Their lyrics are racist, classist and misogynist af. Literally pick any one of their first four albums (the only sample I have) you’ll find numerous examples of all three of those things. I used to fight with my friends back when liking these asshats was popular.

How old are you?

Female rage, written and directed by a man born into Hollywood. He’s sexualizing their bodies and anger, but only to make the point that sexualizing women is BAD, and they should push back by SEXY violence.

This is what happens when ‘art’ is considered more important than people.

The unfortunate thing though, is that it probably IS her story.  But she can’t admit to it.  She has to give people a reason to not shame her.

Fuck off. Clients should speak up and vote for decriminalization as it would benefit them too.

I’ve been married for 22 years. No longer attracted to men. Still fucking married.

This is your daily reminder that many music artists are just an act based on what sells. A fake well curated performance. Most are self absorbed and dont care about you or the problems of the lesser class.

Its alright Splinter, Jezebel and The Root are next on the chopping block. These libtards never learn. Guess they’ll go back to writing on reddit.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, dumbie.

That’s not capitalism, that’s simply third wave feminism and it’s obsession with “male feminists”.

I think there was a missing “-” in there

Perhaps televising your immense material wealth is a bad idea.

(Black Tie/White Skin Formal Attire)

Not going to disagree.

That would be interesting if the Coast Starlight went that fast - and straight on to Vegas, since there aren’t any Amtrak trains to Vegas. It’s a long Greyhound bus ride from the last stop.