
It’s not like that crackdown somehow hinges on Blizzard giving it legitimacy, though. Even if Blizzard had come out in support of the protests, the crackdown would have happened just the same.

Hot take: art films have always been shit, and the artsy dudes know it.

Oh my GOD, you Americans need to stop it with Fleetwood Mac. Most of their songs are the soundtrack to an old man pressuring a younger woman to have sex with him. Urrgh.

Hot take: cinema was never good. The way the camera work etc manipulate the viewer into seeing things they way the director wants them to makes it basically fascist, compared to reading a book

Hm, this review makes it sound fun. But I really cannot get over how empty and devoid of detail all the environments are. This looks like a game from 10 years ago... deal breaker tbh.

Good advice, expect never do accents if you’re white. There is no way for a white person to do an accent that is okay. I don’t care if your dad is from Soctland or whatever.

Friendly reminder that calling this “creepy” or pretending it has anything to do with some sort of supposed “waifu culture” that you know nothing about is white supremacist thinking.

Since when is ignorance frowned upon im America? I dont even recognize this country anymore...

And in 5-10 years Blizz can be a China-first company, if that’s what they want.

I’m not so sure the USA is their core market anymore.

This is pretty predictable, IMO. Trump making hate normal again. 

In these threads: Americans realizing they are no longer the primary market for many American companies.

Gas-light and brainwash those who do not agree, anyway. The majority of Chinese have few qualms with the government, because they’ve seen 30 years of constant economic improvement, and many do believe in the promises of a super bright future

Ok, how can you diss Nickelback and then praise Def Fuckin’ Leppard?

Man, those Chinese women really need to get some feminism up in their country. Time to lean in to reproductive justice!

Ellen DeGeneres is a gay woman, and a total neo-linberal asshat. How does that still not compute for some?

Of course, the USA is never given to ostentatious displays of military power. Only “autohritarian regimes”.

And which redeemable qualities would that be? She was a patsy for Assange, and the moment she realized that, instead of backing off, apologizing and quietly doing her time she decided to make a stink and become a woman bc this would earn her the automatic support of the queer left.

A lot of them have support networks among active military personnel though. So when they day comes, someone might well “accidentally” leave lots of military weapons unguarded... it’s what my asshole army cousin tells me anyway, with no small pride.

Actually, I find that a pornouced dislike of superhero movies is a sure-fire indicator that someone runs with the alt-right.