
I’d love to see a take-down of Europe’s idiotic rules about lootboxes.

Psst, when writing about fashion, don’t mention the pricing. It cheapens the creative work involved, as it takes away from the perception of the clothes as such. It’s also really tacky to imply what your readers may or may not be able to afford.

:/ Why porkchops though? Kinda irresponsible they went for a meat-based dish.

It’s good that it is gone, because it is an artifact of a time when white supremacy utterly dominated popular culture, to the point where they took a black art and turned it into musical fascism.

Hm. The article makes this mod seem quite appealing, but I feel like I’ll need a bit more encouragement before I can allow myself to play a modded, turn-based game from an obscure European Developer whose political leanings seem more than a little suspect.

Wowww. “Serious” music can go suck dongs now, this is better than any music in hisotry.

Rock music needs to stop, period.

Funny thing is, your loquacity and insistence on “actual thoughtful interchange” (i.e. your tone policing) make you look like even more of a reactionary troll in my eyes.

Who’s the troll? Cuz you’re the one arguing against the commonly accepted view here, buddy.

This is as retrograde as the game itself. Why the hype for such an agrressively reactionary game?

Re: the criticism of the game’s technical aspects, I think this is as good as German games ever seem to get (Crytek aside... remember them lol?). It’s kinda weird at first, seeing how the Germans are renowned for technological perfectionism.

This review really drives home the point that this game is stagnation.

It’s not that I think a black man marrying a white woman should be forbidden, but I do think it is highly illoyal and often very painful to other black women who he might have loved, but whi did not get to be “that”.

This is this manipulative, performative shock for free shit for her brother and his white chick.

Ok, point taken. Still, I have a feeling the Germans might get away with it this time, while all eyes are on the USA turn in the role of global villain.

The other, Okotowalink, is a collective of academics and activists focused on issues related to housing, feminism, and anti-imperialism”

Nah. Like, it would be great if we could all come together and save the Earth and kumbayah.

We’re all laughing, but the 4th Reich is not far off, possibly. Too early to tell for sure, but the neo-fascoist AfD party is already the strongest party in Germany’s East and the established conservatives and social democrats are losing ground in the double digits.

I know this aticle is supposed to fall in the “lighthearted” category, but how about an article about how Germany is actually very close to a takeover by the neo-fascist AfD party? They’re the strongest party in all the ex-GDR federal states already, and they’re not your oridnary rihgt-wing populists either.

We’re one of many bad guys. Don’t forget that while we are focused on the concentration camps on our doorsteps, EU immigration policy has stacked the Mediterranean Sea floor with enough bodies to fill in the Rio Grande.