
About the "puto" thing, not really. More like PC-alarmist and out-of-touch.

Ricky Johnson's hat brim isn't nearly flat enough for this scene.

"Dumbass BETTER be dead! Makin' us all look like a bunch of chumps!"—other seabirds

Thanks for the correction.

My memories of these care were seeing them in almost every driveway in my grandmother's neighborhood whenever we went to visit (1950s and 1960s era houses in the 1980s = place full of empty nesters and retirees) or filling the parking lot at Old Country Buffet.

Most of these are ballistic missiles though. As is to be expected, the interest in rocket technology was mostly military in nature. Yeah, the government was eager to beat the Soviets into space, but what we really wanted to do was annihilate them in a merciless rain of nuclear death.

I imagine it was he basically ground away her teeth? Like, so she couldn't bite him when he raped her?

No Ewy Rosqvist and Ursula Wirth?

Michele Mouton. She won 4 WRC rallyes, was vice world-champion in 1982 (only Walther Röhrl was faster) and has a class win in Le Mans under her belt.

Boston only ever had two songs. One was called Uptempo Rocker and the other was called Midtempo Rock Ballad. drops mic, leaves stage

While some people say "it's the torque!" that's only partially correct. Rather, it's the moment of the torque.

Nobody here cares anymore about your shitty '99 Camaro. Or about the C6 Corvette that you claim to have owned, but somehow couldn't fit your ass into the driver seat. Nor does anyone ever give a shit that you're a big-shot engineer with patents. Post something new that's fucking useful to the topic, already.

They might be puritans but they're definitely delusional.

Do we have any evidence that it's even possible to copy our consciousness into a machine? I don't doubt we could one day make copies much like we do now of .jpegs and whatnot but I don't think it makes sense to say that the "me" in this body will become the

During the enema scene, my friend looked over and said "My mom used to give my sister and I enemas."

American Horror Story, indeed.

#Blessed #Trendsetter #NoFilter #Bedhead #BlueSteel

So now it has been scientifically proven that the Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with!

I hate when writers have obvious favorites. A good way into Human History and they created this White group that, especially the men in it, got all these privileges at the expense of all the others. They were ruining the other characters trying to pigeon hole them into very narrow roles subservient to White

My neighbor has one - it even has a stick shift. Unfortunately, it has that awful after market backup thingy that says "Attention please, this car is backing up. Attention please, this car is backing up." Shudder.

In the US, the Thunderbird. These used to be everywhere, and were even admired in some trims. When was the last time you saw one rolling down the highway?