
Sad? Yes. But, in my experience, also a handy indicator of personal shittiness. If a guy makes a big deal out of hobbyist “accomplishments”, be it beating extra hard video games or keeping his ancient hipstermobile mostly running, that’s a surefire sign that he’ll be a loser who’ll expect me to do a shitload of

Easy modes are fine for single player campaigns. If you want a swim-or-sink experience, why not try online play?

Hm, these types of games seem like they might be fun, but I just cannot. I realize this is down to my own preconceived notions about anime, but as a guy in my 40s, I could never explain to another person my age that I’m playing a game where you are a strong knight protecting very stereotypically feminine, very

Plus, why can’t Alice Walker enjoy Icke’s books for fuck’s sake. America isn’t Europe, Americans, and black Americans very specifically, didn’t (supposedly) murder thousands of Jews, why does she have to pray at the altar of white guilt?

Who cares about how mouch money everyone makes? Your people are trying to turn the middle east into their country, against the wishes of everybody else there. That’s the whole reason more and more people hate your ilk. You could have it so good, but you just cannot leave those muslims be....

Sounds plausible enough. I mean, Jews are essentially white people who believe in their own special God, why wouldn’t they support the KKK?

What a disappointngly timid article. Where’s the vigorous defence an icon like Walker deserves? I know as part of a mainstream media corporation, this site’s editors have to play to some “established truths”, but this is close to treason.

“Ms. Mulligan, apologies if this is too forward, but I think you’re literally perfect, how do I spread awareness of your unique talents? My friends all think you’re bland and keep confusing you with January Jones.”

I’m sort of an accelerationist when it comes to the video game industry; I believe only a total collapse will lead to the sweeping changes the industry needs.

RPG mods are generally cringe when it comes to narrative and writing. I blame the extreme nerdiness of their creators with no professional sales/PR people to temper it.

Icon? He’s a mediocre actor who did horror films cause he couldn’t land mainstream roles, but because he’s white and “eccentric” ppl think he’s the greatest. Yaaaawn.

Lame diversity content.

Wow, Neubauer trying so hard to stay cool there. But cannot hide his white tears.

Yeah... the dude lives in Germany and the game’s published on, which is owned by CD Projekt. I’m counting the weeks until we find out this young man’s politics are loathsome, especially since he seems to have a nostalgia for games in their white male prime.

“People can, with the rarest of exceptions for hate speech or something, make what they want”

Why are you defending this trash? Their fans are poor, underprivileged... racists. And sexists. When they’re not doing Juggalo shit, they’re bitching about illegals or hollering at women in public. Guarantee most of them voted Trump.

Lol he’s def born in the aughts.

For me, feeling bad is kind of the point. I like my life, my job, myself... a little too much sometimes, and then I need to watch some shocking stuff to remind myself the world is mostly shit and I shouldn’t feel so good about myself when I’m really not doing much to change it. A bit of modern self-flagellation.

Jesus Christ, AV Club, your comment sections have a Republican problem. Fix it ugh.

I think you’re right. These guys are all hypermasculine black men. No way would they let themselves be “stunned” by a woman, unless it’s all a hustle to get cash.