
This is funny, but also nice to see Japanese TV stations don’t massively overspend on CGI to make the latest Freeway chase seem insane.

Why is Korea so perfect and the US so shitty? Why have all my plans to move there come to naught...????? (hint: it’s all due to American men).

Wow, the Schwarzenegger Terminator is the definition of “awful taste, great execution”. (Not that ther Terminator films suck, the first 2 are kinda cool actually. But Schwarzenegger is a fascist, sexist asshole who deserves no shoutouts).

Wow, the Schwarzenegger Terminator is the definition of “awful taste, great execution”. (Not that ther Terminator films suck, the first 2 are kinda cool actually. But Schwarzenegger is a fascist, sexist asshole who deserves no shoutouts).

Yo Izzy, don’t play like that! We know it’s you homie!

“I know not everyone wants to do that though, and that’s totally fine as well”

This show was great. So great, I was bothered by the fanservice stuff that I ususally just ignore in anime. But this series was so good, that it stuck out all the more. Like cheap chocolate in an amazing sundae.

Oh. Why is this game a revered classic again? I mean, yes it looked incredible at the time, and gameplay is polished. But the crude misogyny (Mona Sax?? really?? and she dies before the last level? FOH) and the macho pseudo-profundness have aged very badly in the age of conscious, literary games like TLoU.

It’s a great series, if you ignore that it’s supposed to be the South. I just pretend it’s like Massachusetts or whatever.

Video game diversity right now is weird. We get optional women, but no games where a woman is the default main, and they’re “ambiguously ethnic” without actually having dark skin.

She called his a sexist because hwat he did was sexist. You do not get to define sexism. Only women may define sexism, and we say it was.

“being insulted repeatedly even as he tries to explain how he meant no harm or insult”

Fuck. FUCK.FUCJFUCKFUCKFUCK FUCK this INDUSTRY and FUCK MEN. I’m priating all my gaemes from now on unless you can prov youre a women only studio. fuck this is so toxic and vile gaming is such a cesspool of hateful vrigin men.e

“happy quiet masses”

“Not every topic has two reasonable sides”.

“that gamer can eat shit”

Strategy games are incel central. Especially the total war series.

No way! You mustn’t! This is the internet, we have standards, we don’t concede!

The UK setting ruins it for me. The USA setting was always what made the game work for me; I could believe that this sort of thing goes on in the USA.

That’s kinda unnecessary throwback. The jokes were never that sensitive to social realities IIRC, can’t imagine there really being a place for this type of comedy any more.