
Sadly, some of the best creative minds in the industry are also some of the biggest adult children.

This will be the best, most relevant game ever made. Change my mind.

Yes, there needs to be a point. Films cost money. Money is a finite resource, even in Hollywood. Hollywood has historically perpetuated racism and sexism and is a motor of inequality in this country.

“Starless” by King Crimson

This makes me wonder... is the average Japanese person like, loaded or something? How can they afford this?

Now playing

Casiopeia. Best of the best, you’re welcome.

“Motorsport is if you like tracks and lap times”

I’m frankly mystified why game devs spend all that money on licensing designs and logos. I mean, gearheads dig it I guess, but... are they still a thing for real? I went to a big, big high school (1000s of students) and there was maybe a handful of bros who made a big deal about their cars. Everyone else just drove

Cops are not the problem. I’m a cop, I hate injustice, but... this is how you sound.

Could this be a premeditated move to push progressive/LGBTQIA+/non-neurotypical streamers off Twitch? Lately I feel like I’m seeing the big social media platforms close ranks against progressive, equality-minded creators.

Quite good technically, but like most Russian fantasy artwork entirely derivative. They do “real” art much better, but Russian pop-art is always kinda dire and boring.

My take is, this is directed at the 4chan/teenage nerd- bro crowd.

I think the criticism of the single player stuff is a bit misplaced. Does anybody play these offline any more? I mean except against friends.

This is why lots of women are always so exhausted and unhappy with themselves.

I was obsessed with Kirsten Dunst for a while around this movie’s release. It was my everything. I started dressing like her character and even bought a clapped out 4-wheel-drive with no roof as my first car.

Which is why we need to return to an art that serves the people. Basically, progressive propaganda that looks good. We can return to art for its own sake when the Nazis have been defeated.

Not written or directed by a woman, not interested. Why do you keep pushing all these dude-made films?

FKA Twigs has some bad taste.

“Gina Alhadeff, Anne Applebaum, Lisa Appignanesi, John Banville, Geremie Barmé, Louis Begley, Richard Bernstein, Alfred Brendel, Ariel Dorfman, Janet Malcolm, Linda Greenhouse, Joyce Carol Oates, Philip Lopate, Ian McEwan, John Banville, Luc Sante, Lorrie Moore, George Soros, Michael Ignatieff, Harry Shearer,

Ok that award fracas story is fairly nuts, but not nearly as wild as Fan Bingbing possibly being imprisoned by the CPC (props for including this).