
Poor white folks hate on black people while getting shit on by rich whites who consider them a stain on their race, basically. Gluttons for punishment, or what?!

Unless you want to spend your life hounded by ever-militarizing cops only to amybe survive that and die slowly and miserably when average summer temps rise to deadly levels across the US...

Also, the diaspora watch European/African media where African Americans are often portrayed in a fairly negative light; in different ways (Euro media are plain old colonial-racist, African media can have this patronizing attitude). And since people in general question their media consumption too little, it has maybe

Lol it’s not like most straight women are shrinking violets these days either.

All this whining and gnashing of teeth. Why can’t people learn to tamper their expectations at least a bit? I feel if you’re this disappointed by a video game, you’re in for a LOT of disappointments in life.

Calisthenics is right lol... gotta keep those altar boys limber.

This is NOT a “European American” thing. This is a white thing. Europeans, or South American, or Russian white folk are no better.

Eminem is the last time white people were culturally relevant. Or thought they were, bc some black rappers said he was the best.

I think DICE are way too focused on people playing their games “wrong”. Just because you define your game as“squad-based”, doesn’t mean players can’t successfully play it as a lone wolf, or that they won’t try to do so. I don’t know why they do it either, let people play the game however as long as they don’t cheat.

Hot take: Vice City is great gameplay-wise, perhaps the last concise GTA. Played today however, the amount of racist and sexist nastiness is absolutely astounding. The devs just didn’t give a FUCK. If you think about it, most of them probably work at Rockstar still - makes that place one to side-eye IMO.

What is not-stodgy about that pictured ship? When I think of “stodgy space fighter designs” I think of pointy jet-plane things made of metal, just like the thing in these pictures.

It delivers on the promise that MtG made many moons ago. Then broke a few years later chasing that green...

For women, Ballett is one of the few jobs more damaging, on aggregate, than pro modeling or acting. The pressure is EXTREME, but the mavens love it like that. Bs about “diamonds get formed through great pressure” and so on

She should have reflected on whether herthe way she tells her story reinforces harmful prejudices about sex work. After all, she has power, many sex workers don’t.

Then why are actual sex workers loudly criticizing her on Twitter?

“industry pressure group”

That’s because stars and celebrities are a manifestaton of our collective bird brains. There is no god reason, none that would hold up to real progressive scrutiny, to idolize anyone that way. Yet we do it, for our own entertainment, and kinda hate ourselves for it. That hate is projected outward.

CD Projekt Red is definitely slimy even by Eastern European game developer standards. All the Eurocentrism, authoritarianism and homophobia of the average Polish guy wrapped into the special narcicissm that develops in whites who know how to code...

Psshht: all the cool kids know linear games are where it’s at. Most modern game design theorists agree “choices” add nothing to gameplay and are really there to fulfil male fantasies of being in control and special.

The FPS-ness is kind of a turn-off for me, but really I’m not feeling it for a whole other reason: it looks so reactionary and... European. Like the Witcher games, the character and world design are permeated by that special brand of nasty Eurocentrism and archaic machismo that CD Projekt Red seem to LOVE.