
Yeah... she’s mediocre even by the low standards of “black music”

Steve Vai is lame as fuck, as are all these Yngwie-type “rock virtuosos”. Conceited old white guys with a single talent that can be entirely replaced by a synthesizer and tracker.

It’s a litmus test essentially. If you can’t get over that word, you definitely won’t get over yourself.

Classic fascist economics is the redistribution of wealth from the hands of the officially despised class into the hands of those who are friends with the strong man on top.

The folks who still advocate for firing squads and a one-party system after that will generally self-identify as Maoists/Stalinists these days. We’re also a tiny minority lol.

It takes a bullet? WTF is that?

“They’re really proving that they aren’t any different than their counterparts on the right at this point.”

“They tolerate violence as a form of political expression, they seek to operate without any transparency and they and they alone determine what are acceptable and unacceptable thoughts and ideas.”

Right. I posit that I was born only 30 years ago, and nobody asked me what I thought about that whole “nation of immigrants” thing. Now it’s up for debate for the first time in my lifetime and I intend to have my say.

Hey, it’s not Moore’s fault the action scenes involved into childish car/boat/plane gadgetry as the 70s went on (jk it was because he was like 60 years old and unwilling to do demanding stunts).

Spectre just tried too hard. That car chase was one of the worst bond setpieces ever, reminded me of the worst of the Moore era (at least Moonraker was fun!)

Is this Kotaku’s official line now? Capitalism is bad and needs to be fixed? Then why all the ads?

“It’s not a good look to align yourself with multiple child rapists.”


“People who are triggered by books are weak and should not read”

How come you’re not hip to accelerationism yet? It’s coming back in a big way babyyy. So yeah, #prosecutespaceforce2019

“know how to make her laugh, feel desired and feel safe with you.”

And without any of the tolerance.

Everybody knows that holes in the brain make you a retard. Everybody.

Right-wing troll confirmed, disregard.