
She’s not a “mostly comic” actor. She’s great at comedy, and so far her biggest role has been a comic one, but her career has plenty of serious stuff in it so far.

Right? Most of these nazi cheerleaders (man or woman) seem like they’d be entitled, domineering nightmares to be around.

“most people of a certain age may have fathers who were apart of a generation or ethnic culture that don’t share the values we have today in respect to gender/ parental roles.”

C’mon, OP literally included “not all dads” in his post. Unnecessary.

Lol they give old shows new music these days? What’s that, rights issues, or 90s music making todays teens melt into bubbly puddles?

Oh the woman who made Dexter created this show? Makes sense to me, I thought that show was one problematic misstep after another. EVERYONE I knew loved it tho, so YMMV

“Defendant has had over two years to demonstrate to this Court that the role he played in the sexual exploitation of a thirteen-year-old child was an aberration in his otherwise law abiding life”

Oh it IS. The dirty secret of acting is that through practice and training you can get far, but not that far, and MOST actors really can only portray few types of characters convincingly. Some never make it past this point, they’re the “character actors”.

But then she falls for a boy on a sexist rival skate crew (Jaden Smith)

Art movies are dead anyway. Seeing how art movies lead to Lars von Trier, I say good riddance

Can we have less art movies in general? Art movies are the leading cause of Lars von Trier, and generally sad.

IMO U.S. kindergarten is just weird. Why do we make toddlers go to school? Why not just let them run around for a couple hours, while keeping them fed and safe and somewhat clean? It seemed to have no adverse effect on the kids I know that come from countries where it is like that.

This is the one great advantage of the American South: with so many guns and opioids around everywhere, by the time you return home, these guys have either overdosed or pulled the trigger on themselves.

Why did you feel that last line was necessary??

Omg. I hope you get out of there soon. There’s a woman waiting for you to live out the rest of your life with her in peace and quiet, I’m sure of it!

Many masculine lesbians transition to living as men these days, so openly disparaging men is seen as transphobic.

LOL. Half the lesbians I used to know ARE men these days.

Not digging the not-so subtle bodyshaming re: Kylie’s tweet at ALL.

I don’t know why but when I was 18 I had a fetish for death and decay. Literally, I’d see an emaciated junkie at Kroger’s and so long as he was young-ish I’d be like “OMG so hot”. Lol.

They’re “lil” as in “I don’t know how taxes work but I have a pink Escalade and do molly for breakfast”. It basically means they’re pulling a Peter Pan, or trying to make it look like they do.