
“They will still have the plurality, and even becoming, by population, a “minority” race won’t in an instant take away all of the ingrained privileges and benefits that they’ve accrued by various means and misdeeds over the last centuries”

I’d at least expect them to go crazy with direct injection and turbocharging. From what I understand, emissions are largely the reason we don’t have 300hp/l street engines, although apprently this would easily be possible with modern tech.

Why? So far, the picks have been comparable to conservative dems in terms of where they fall on the political spectrum.

“Anyway, if a Subaru Forester is still considered short wheelbase you know the regulations will be silly anyway.”

The thinking is more like “they’re not seeing real doctors but SJW gender doctors who have a vested interest in making more trans people

Yes, you’ll note I included domestic violence; which, in my experience, is the #1 source of physical and mental harm for poor whites, vene beating out drugs, and that’s admittedly not very funny.

Soo... which cast members are on record defending him? Gotta know so I can cancel their asses from my media schedule...

“You have completely bought into the propaganda of Israel being a helpless little country surrounded by “evil muslims” looking to push them into the sea”

It’s because the people in charge there are white communists. They think racism, sexism and everything else will just solve itself if we could only, finally ban private enterprise and wage labor.

Y’know, ever since Bush I kind of believed that somebody like Trump could become president - on the strength of the American nazi vote.

Probably to make enough money to outspend his opponents. Y’know, like it is over here...

I think many writers simply fail to see what this is about at all. Drug use is absolutely normalized among young, college educated creatives, as is regularly dealing with its negative side effects.

It would have been nice to see at least some kind of admission of guilt for hyping her up all these years. But I guess it’s her fault for not being a Magical Rich Person (rich people - they’re assholes usually!).

True. Although I wonder, if push came to shove, whether the US military could actually protect Israel like they claim. Or whether they’re secretly using them as just another puppet.

And you’re just regurgitating the lie that all middle-eastern muslims want to exterminate jews.

Have you ever been to a poor white place? The suffering there is very different. PoC get shot dead and live in fear; white trash gets drunk everyday and sometimes they’ll fall or get beat on by their boyfriends, that’s about it.

You’ll probably dismiss this, but you do realize that the media is not in fact, objective? Now, it is their job to be “biased”; to explicitly champion pro-liberal (not as in liberal/conservative but as in liberal, not fascist or communist), pro-pluralism viewpoints.

I’ve definitely been hearing similar conspiraciy theories all my life, about some politcians or other important powerful people being in some kind of pedophile cult. Been hearing it about all kinds of people too, from R Kelly (turns out that was true enough ugh) via various sports figures to politicians on the left

Yes Germany took in hundreds of thousands of refugees. But let us not forget that they were also among the chief architects of Frontex, which is directly responsible for the dronwing deaths of some 20,000 refugess since its inception.