
I prefer to think of it as satire.

Pff, a bone-stock Foxbody would beat this on the strip and on the track. Wouldn't even need a 5.0! These Euro-barges are so overrated!

Except made by THE ENEMY!! I'm kidding of course, but back in the day there was some serious pack mentality going on in fast-food parking lots here in Georgia. Especially for those few years when the F-bodies had TPI and the Mustang was still carbed.

Just one problem - it's not an F-body! That was really my favorite in the race. I mean, the Firebird has pop-up headlights! That makes it scientifically superior.

The Camaro being beaten by the 924 really bothers me as well. Not only is it better as a beater than a 924, it's superior to the Fox as well. #f-bodytrollin'

Close, but no cigar. That's an MG Midget, which is even smaller than a Spitfire, if only slightly.

Oh yeah, but he ended up shattering the bottle, so he just fell back on drinking his own urine as usual. Those clochards gave him some seriously weird looks, as if they'd never seen a red-blooded outdoorsman do his thing.

I'm gonna be melodramatic here and say that "close enough" is all most working people have been getting to their dreams come retirement age ever since that time.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say his hate boner for anything related to social justice led him to jump to the conclusion.

Ooh, look at that spin! Too bad all the educated judges give it only a 3/10.

That was basically the progressive viewpoint at the time. Instead of relentlessly and shamelessly exploiting the working class, without a care as to their health, education and quality of life, as had been the usual way of doing things in industry up to that point, the new idea was to improve the life of the working

Sportswear back then was apparently undergarments.

The hair and ties on those designers working on the model are fantastic. Leave it to the Japanese to make 70s style classy.

Still a lot better than similar scenes in period pornos.

Why limit yourself to one size up? Unless you live in a big city, why even consider a small car? Today's trucks beat cars in any relevant category except mileage. If you can't afford them new, buy used. Get a body on frame truck with a non-interference engine and never worry about anything again.

I always liked the Paris chase from Ronin not just for its A-plus no-fakery stunt driving, but also for the fact that the actors believably portray driving a car in a high-speed chase through dense traffic. Both De Niro and Natasha McElhone manage to act both very concentrated and utterly horrified at the same time.

You'd be surprised how often these failures are not the fault of the constructors, but of some technician half-assing something under pressure.

Most of these are ballistic missiles though. As is to be expected, the interest in rocket technology was mostly military in nature. Yeah, the government was eager to beat the Soviets into space, but what we really wanted to do was annihilate them in a merciless rain of nuclear death.

Yeah, I know you don't all do that. Just like I know most people don't drink and inject themselves to death - which is why got out of that scene.

I wasn't really trying to compare the two - I just used to travel in less than wholesome circles in my earlier years, and this was a thing that guys did. It's amazing how far you can push the human body once you disable the safeguards.