
I'm from "The States" but I don't really know either. Here in Georgia, fashion is a lot more static, the flannel shirts and trucker hats never went away in the first place.

I have a feeling they're gonna chicken out costume-wise. Can't risk the teenagers in the audience thinking any of the characters are "weird" or "gross" or "lame" (these are probably the three adjectives my teenage goddaughter uses most frequently).

That was the angle in that sex advice column, the asker was a guy who had that problem, that while masturbation always worked flawlessly, he just couldn't keep it up during sex with his new gf.

Apparently this happens not so rarely. That sex advice guy, Dan Savage, even wrote about it in his column. The problem seems to be guys who aren't satisfied with the two, maybe three orgasms you might get out of the average session (well, I do anyways, dunno about men tbh), and keep going, gripping it ever harder to

Middle-aged or not - I like to think I have a couple of years left to go until I reach that nebulously defined stage in life - if you want serious excercis without busting your joints, you need to be swimming. It's the best, you get all meditative let your thoughts wander while your body is building serious stamina

I've read many a thread on reddit (don't judge - I mostly peruse the quality sci-fi subreddits and some tool/hardware ones bc bandsaws turn me on) where it's some dude complaining how they're not getting pleasure from beating it like they used to. Most common advice given: stop gripping so damn hard, you maniac, and

That's basically my standpoint, although I go swimming rather than cycling, but I keep thinking about how awesome it would be if I could do some sweet parkour moves. Not gonna happen though.

Not gonna lie, if I had a Tie Fighter I'd be a total ass. Terrorizing my neighbors with low flybys and shit.

I think back in the day, the jury was still out on which would be the best engine to power automobiles. Gasoline engines of the time were notoriously prone to mechanical failures, and the steam engine had a well-earned reputation as a tried-and-true technology.

Kind of weird that Mr Toad's car is a steam-powered contraption - gasoline-powered cars were definitely the norm then as today, but I suppose they're not steamy enough to be steampunk.

That "independent woman" ad is really quite devious, and it betrays the cynical thinking behind many ad campaigns. It was probably intended to appeal to women who longed for independence - now that trying to be more independent as a woman did not result in immediate social repercussions anymore - but would settle for

I imagine it was he basically ground away her teeth? Like, so she couldn't bite him when he raped her?

The iron will of the people. Revolutionary fervor was out sick that day.

It's definitely a masterpiece of understated design. Still, imagine if they'd done a fastback - that would have been something. Right in the face of BMW.

The design department at Mercedes in the 70s and 80s (the Stilistikabteilung) were much more adventurous than the cars that were actually built suggest. I've read that they developed designs for a hatch/fastback version of the W123, similar to what Audi did on the first-gen 100 (I'll be damned if I can find a design

Aargh, don't say "African civilization". Africa is not a country. You wouldn't say "Asian civilization", would you?

Leaded gas was such a scam. Gasoline companies were perfectly able to make gas that met the demands of what were then high-performance engines, without any problems, but it they decided there was a more profitable way - take low-quality gas and add lead.

I kind of said the same thing on that post on the biker gang webcomic - you can't really sell anything involving fossil fuels as cool (to this crowd anyway). The headline should have read something like "shudder as you look at these documents from the dark ages".

Nice enough, but not really one for the geek crowd, is it? Violent dudes who insist on burning fossil fuels are basically the exact opposite of geeks.

Ain't nothin' wrong with synthwave.