
Old tech often has this innate charm resulting from the willingness of times past to really try anything and see if it will work. No decade-long feasibility studies in the 30s.

Torch is such a commie!

He seems to live in Norway. Norway, I think, is one of those European countries with an insane "air pollution" tax, like many others. That means you pay a one time tax at registration, the amount being based on how much CO2 the car puts out.

Once again I'm reminded how badly I want an Alfa 164. It's like a classy designer suit, all business without being unexciting or humdrum.

My then bf had been in the Air Force, stationed at Rhein Main Airbase. He knew Frankfurt quite well and had some German contacts there. So naturally that's where we went.

Where exactly did you spend most of your year? Perchance on a military base? Outside the bigger cities, Germany can be extremely boring.

True, but don't forget that back in the day, most people bought the V6. You can make anything fast with an engine swap, but in stock form, the way the average consumer actually drove them back then, a Malibu was a soul-sucking car.

A propos torque-heavy vehicles getting you in trouble: I myself have a relatively torquey vehicle - a '94 Trans Am, with a mildly modified LT1. Nowhere close to GT500 territory, but no Focus either.

Modern supercars are definitely very manageable so long as you have half a brain and don't floor it in dense traffic or anything.

I was hoping for a split-second one of them would be Torch. But he's probably too much of a pinko for any channel other than PBS.

Hey, I'm ok with hardcore realism, so long as it's optional. I play Gran Turismo to to at least virtually experience all of the awesome cars I'll never be able to buy - I'll gladly leave the moist-palm hyperrealism to the iRacing crowd.

Yeah, I suppose that would be the most realistic option. I think how long the stints/the race last should be selectable, though. Players with kids often find it hard to find even a full hour to play.

You know what would help? A save feature for races in progress. I'm thinking, have a single save slot per race that the game autosaves to every 5 or 10 or so laps (make the exact number player selectable, ideally).

I like how the rendering is photorealistic, yet the images are completely surreal. That must have taken some serious 2D rendering/ image manipulation skills.

Those are 1968 Pontiacs, could be any of the full-size models. All through the 60s and 70s, Pontiac's full-size models were just Chevys with different front and rear ends, more trim and nicer interior. The chassis and the central body parts, rooflines, quarter panels/fenders etc were usually identical to save cost.

Oh wow, seems like I somehow got Donaldson mixed up with Terry Goodkind. I don't even know how my mind made that connection.

I liked that series, until libertarian proselityzing usurped the actual plot. I mean, it was clearly a bit Randian from the get-go, and even though my views differ, and the concept of the fantasy land and how it relates to reality is was really interesting.

It's interesting how in the US sunglasses signify coolness, whereas in the USSR they were apparently seen as symbolic of Americans' untrustworthiness. Like the masks in the earlier posters, except Americans actually wear sunglasses, which makes it all the more brilliant.

Because of course the piece they put back on wasn't the same as the one the was secretly removed. They switched out the bodywork for a much heavier piece prior to weighing. So heavy that supposedly "two mechanics struggled under the weight".

"Attention please, driver thinks he's massively important!"