
I'm not hating on Block. But you have to admit that in between crashes, McRae was faster than Block has ever been.

I really like Block, but sometimes I wonder just how long it will take for him to stop crashing all the time. He'd be pretty good if he only crashed like half as much.

Yeah, but I think Correia's takedown is not as effective as it could and should be, because it is muddled by the massive axe he so obviously has to grind with Diamond.

I always imagined barbarians to have a lot more body hair than this dude...

I was surprised at the relative lack of Diablo costumes, but I guess despite Diablo's popularity, it's fandom is easily outsized by the WoW and Starcraft/Warcraft fandoms.

I was gonna say that they are sitting at a table and there are no tables in planes, but then I realized I have never set foot in any of the higher classes on a plane, so who knows what kind of perverse luxuries they enjoy in business or even first (I've heard wild rumors of... ample legroom!!)

When I was a kid in the 80s, I watched "The Day After" in school, I was probably around 12 years old. That shit gave me nightmares for years. It would always be some variation of my family and me on some outing (zoo, camping, visiting relatives, whatever), when suddenly there would be this flash and everyone except me

Yeah, probably just coincidence. I remember oldschool Hot Wheels had some awesome fake brand graphics. Especially the hot rod models. Bad puns and all.

I think that's an apt comparison - not only do the later Alpines have a reputation as a poser-mobile in France, their exterior also wrote checks the engine couldn't cash in (I know the earlier Trans Ams were quite fast). Until the GTA Turbo came around, the PRV V6 gave lackluster performance even by the standards of

Are those graphics real? I mean, as in real brands? I think I remember "Kabel 1" being a really shitty German cable channel from my time there. All they ever seemed to broadcast was shitty made-for-TV movies and reruns of 80s American daytime action shows.

Oh yeah, they definitely knew what they were doing. I guess that's what they teach 'em at the academy these days.

That was considered perfectly adequate even on much higher end cars back then, remember this car is from 1962. Not sure the 3 speed Hydramatic was even avaliable in 62 yet. And disc brakes in 62 were Jaguar and top-of-the-line Mercedes equipment, cars that cost three to four times the price of the most expensive

I think I wasn't being clear - the people who did this to me were customs officers, not New Mexico state troopers. This happened at the airport. I live in Athens, GA never even been to NM. I was just commenting to say that unwarranted cavity searches in general are not a new thing in my experience.

I wonder, what's the statute of limitations on whatever crimes they might have comitted?

I doubt the officers in question even work there anymore, it's been almost 20 years. And I'd rather not pick at old wounds anyway.

I don't think this is a new thing.

Is that fuckin' ostrich leather? I don't care for those wheels, but that interior is ballin'.

I kind of noticed this too. The Ferrari as the stereotypical car of macho rich guys, ostentatious and commonly carrying phallic connotations (compensating etc) is naturally what would get a woman all hot and bothered - or so McCarthy seems to think. Because in his mind, at the end of the day women are all about money

What, no helmet or riding pants? ATGATT, folks!!

You forget that, in stark contrast to the authors, most Jalopnik readers are conservative-leaning middle-class white guys who try their hardest to stay away from anything that is considered part of black or hispanic culture.