
"An event of this nature"... why don't you just drop the euphemisms and say "full of stuff that those n***ers will try to steal". Because that is just as racist as what you said.

It really amazes me how people can suggest that the Soviet Union "won" anything.

It really amazes me how people can suggest that the Soviet Union "won" anything.

It really amazes me how people can suggest that the Soviet Union "won" anything.

Early 60s futurism at its best. Kinda sad only so few ere made, but at the time the technology just wasn't viable. Which didn't keep them from trying.

Lol young people

That show is one of the best deconstructions and ridiculizations of white male privilege ever.

That dude is like a real life Mark Corrigan. When your fuckups reach Mark Corrigan level, or your life resembles his generally, it's time to take a good hard look at things.

Even the young people of today are mostly racist, sexist dickbags. The older generations get progressively worse. This is a fact that cannot be denied.

You know what they say about exceptions and rules.

He was born before the 60s, so that goes without saying.

Oh shut up, thin-scum.

There is no substance, but keep in mind that back in the day young people used to read music magazines and it was hip to at least pretend to be smart and a little political.

What, you don't know who Frank Sinatra is?

I see Doug's keepin' it real on the Don Henley reference front. Must be the third time he's made a reference to "Boys of Summer" in one of his articles.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. More Lambo, less adults trying to get screen time.

Even Keith Emerson did it.

This is in Russia though, so... the truck might well not have any brakes to speak of.

Probably not equipped. It's not very common outside the US, where most trucks aren't so big/heavy as to require a compression release braking system.

Or what was good about the British bikes of the time anyway. The key to their success was that they did not replicate the constant oil leaks and mediocre manufacturing quality.