
The "Maibatsu Penumbra" is quite clearly a Mitsubishi Eclipse PS. The similarities go right down to the name - Maibatsu is essentially GTA's equivalent of Mitsubishi and "penumbra" refers to, among other things, the semi-dark condition during a partial solar eclipse.

The name is brilliant - I always liked the Chrysler = Schyster pun, and "Fusilade" is thematically close to "Crossfire" - a "fusillade" is an old military term for what is essentially suppressing fire.

Cool, I was wondering when we were gonna get a retro Mustang in GTA. This one particulary looks like a retro version of the 71-73 bodystyle.

The "Obey Tailgater" is an Audi sedan, closest maybe to the A6. I do love the name!

Don't forget it gives them another opportunity to insert their trademark snarky humor - the Audi RS4/6 inspired model is called the "Obey Tailgater".

So were most of Led Zep's songs, on the first two albums anyway (which opens up the whole "cultural appropriation" can of worms - it's really just old blues standards played by white guys, and the black composers never even saw a dime). Doesn't make it any better IMO.

There really are perciously few male acts from that time that don't have at least one weird misgogynist ramble in their catalog - even Jimi Hendrix has "Hey Joe" amongst others. It never really let up either, in some genres it has only gotten worse.

Behold the glory of Scooter!

Ok, sorry for being an ass there and overstepping my boundaries. I try to be aware that my good intentions don't really matter when what I end up saying is offensive and presumptious - I should have known better. As a friend of mine says it "how can I know what you mean when I hear what you say".

I know. It's complicated; part of why I love this show despite hating it at times.

I don't really see the point of this unless they already ban all other misogynist music, or are planning to do so in the future. As it is, the improvement is so marginal, it hardly matters.

Fair point. I think debate is always good, and I know that racist/problematic performances are not an exclusive domain of white people.

It also basically shows how Skyler has been fucked (literally somtimes) by Walter. She had some power in the beginning, now no longer.

Basically what you're saying is men should cross their legs or be labeled sexists? I can get on board with that. Plus, it means their penis is safely behind their legs - call me over-sensitive, but dude crotch is frightening to me. It's like, there's nothing but a zipper separating me from your rape-tool.

Agreed, but that's not really K&P's fault, is it?

Now playing

A 90s German douchebag. A unique species, these. Imagine a frat bro, but way more metro, much more inclined towards homoerotic stuff and spend the day absolutely busting their asses either in university or at some big financial place.

It's wierd, considering that a good chunk of Gawker's editorial content is now communist manifestos from HamNo and co.

This is about the last place I'd have expected a Sledge Hammer! reference. Props!

And dudes love Zep's trademark bluesy sexism. I actually really like their music, but it is impossible to deny that Led Zep 1 and 2 are two albums of nonstop misogyny. "Soul of woman was created below" and all that.

This is pic (and variations thereof) is meant to symobolize being overly critical in a meaningless way.