
Well, an intercooler is not a necessity and many early turbo cars don't have intercoolers. It just puts a big limitation on the pressure you can run without overheating, so equipping an intercooler is generally inferred to also boost output because it means more turbo pressure can be used safely.

It made for a wierd schism - where the Japanese cars proudly wore Turbo, DOHC, 16v badges, Camaros were all "TUNED PORT INJECTION". Well, that's nice I guess.

The Japanese used to be the top dogs at this game. Because how else would people know you bought the sporty version with 16v DOHC Turbo Intercooler?

All ready to race down some unlikely scenic road that loops back on itself!

The tuned Ford small blocks used in all De Tomasos are supposedly both reliable and had very healthy output in non-smog-regulated markets (to the tune of 320 - 350 net hp). So this might just be an exception.

I don't think so, actually. All De Tomasos were powered by Ford V8s, 289 Windsors in the early models, then the 351 Cleveland starting with the Pantera. Transmissions were either a very stout ZF manual 5-speed or Ford's trusty C6 auto.

Apply cold water directly to the... BURRNNN!!

People ask Les Moonves "Will you do anything about those racist cast members?"

Someone should point Miley in the direction of the KitKat club. That should turn her off Germany forever.

I spent a year in Germany in the mid-90s and went back there for two months in 2008. Amazingly, techno's popularity had not declined a bit during that time. I had always thought of techno as a 90s phenomenon, but it lives on in Germany.

Now playing

Hiking in... high heels? Doesn't that quickly become painful? Maybe Victoria Beckham's idea of hiking differs from mine. Probably.

This looks incredibly dangerous - like auto racing, except you have less control and can potentially drown if you flip the boat.

So what's your take on wearing men's clothes as a straight woman? I have mostly been wearing men's clothes - not exclusively, but the majority of my wardrobe is guy stuff - since my late teens and I've always liked them a lot. They fit my body really well and I like the look.


It looked like a short Javelin.

Definitely, but the Toyota takes it to a whole new level. It doesn't even have a fancy grille!

The version they use in Germany differs somewhat.

I suppose that is one way of looking at it. I think it's absolutely fast enough for a car that is not supposed to be driven on a racetrack. It has plenty of passing power, who cares if it isn't top dog at the stoplight. I think N/A was absolutely the way to go for this car, maybe they should have given it a bit more

What? That's no Peugeot, it's a Toyota Century - a hand-built to highest specifications ultra high-end luxury limousine. It's incredibly expensive and annual production is very low. It's essentially reserved for top-level executives and the highest-ranking government officials.