
I always figured the name to mean it was the 5th generation of the "Mach" model.

Michelle Fairley aka Lady Catelyn Stark from Game of Thrones. She also had a small role in Misfits.

I can sort of shrug off the straight sexist trolls, but what reliably drives me up the wall are "gentlemen" who offer unsolicited, stupid advice whenever they spot me doing anything on one of my cars.

I knew someone here would be able to shed light on this!

I don't get why people drag their uninterested spouses/partners to car meets. I never take my boyfriend because I know he'll be bored to tears at a car show - so why even put him in the position of having to say no to something I like to do?

What? Now why would you burn Puffalumps?

How does it go over with other lesbians?

Wow, he got a picture of a bullet at the exact moment it broke the sound barrier and he found a way to visualize the waves? How was that even possible in the 19th century, when people still had to sit still for hours to have their portrait taken?

It was back in the day of the original series. 150mph was NASCAR territory back then.

I think the drivetrains could have easily been developed, heavy-duty cooling systems were available and fuel economy was atrocious anyway - I don't think a supercharged small-block would get worse fuel economy than the big 7+ liter V8s(?).

Yeah, for the longest time performance levels, at least of domestic cars, weren't the same they were in the 60s.

I'm not claiming my experience is universal, obviously. But many of the guys at the wargame cons I've been to - generally dedicated to wargames of the "serious" sort, i.e. historical battles and such - were married men and possessed a decent level of social competence. Sure, there's still a "boy's club" mentality, but

Welp, looks like I was wrong. But it's still amazing how far performance has come.

Well, like I said last time (probably), I think losing all the bad porn is worth giving up the good. That's all my argument boils down to.

While it probably couldn't handle the extended super-high RPM operation, from the sheer performance numbers I think it could. I mean, what were the speeds in early-60s NASCAR? Like 120 mph or so?

I don't cosplay either, I'm too self-conscious. However for those so inclined, I think there are some good options for middle-aged cosplay. A 50-year-old Hulk, no thanks. But how about a Gandalf who isn't obviously in his 20s?

Which makes it all the easier for male nerds who do make themselves attractive. In most circles, my boyfriend is probably considered average-looking. But on some of the conventions we go to - and probably even more so on those conventions where I won't go - he is what I have termed a "Relative Adonis" and a strong

A V6 Mustang would absolutely destroy most race cars from that era. Not surprising given the 50 years of technological progress that have happened since then - that's almost half the time the mass-market cars have been around as a whole.

True, but IMO one can generally see the difference between actual informed consent and a woman (possibly also men, haven't seen that yet) who clearly feels very bad and abused forcing a smile after the fact so it doesn't look like outright assault.

Looks like the LAPD is going for victory in the nationwide "Law Enforcement N***er Fuckover Contest". Not that they've ever been anything less than a favorite contender.