
Satin jackets are gods among lesser jackets.

"Ultimately, I don't think religious institutions are, on the whole, any more oppressive than any other form of institutions humans have created. God knows we seem to be trying like hell to make sure that government, psychiatry, academia, and other non-religious institutions catch up to religion when it comes to being

"Portland is 85% white..." - So basically what you're saying is the recession is black peoples' fault. Or the fault of people who see black Americans as anything other than undesirables.

"Houston we have a problem!" - "Ok, can you describe the nature of your problem exactly?! Have you initiated emergency protocols?!" - "It appears we are rapidly losing... *giggle giggle* ...oxygen.. *giggle* no wait, propulsion.... ah, shit you guys I told you I couldn't keep a straight face during prank calls!"

The problem is, Spec Ops aren't mythical Spartan heroes. They're the dudes who are into killing so much, they get better at it than anybody else. They may be able to endure extreme hardship and pull off crazy missions, but I'd wager their threshold when it comes to sexual violence is even lower than that of the

Yeah, basically. Which is why I adhere to my "buy twice a month max" rule (subject to relaxed enforcement during holidays). It works really well, I'm sober most of the time and actually get a lot of shit done, something I wasn't quite able to do when I still bought everytime I ran out. Also saves a shit-ton of money.

I remember having a huge(ly inappropriate) laugh after that town got destroyed by that tornado when there was a guy on TV interviewed in front of the ruins of his home and he was all "with God's help we will rebuild" while wearing a "She wants the D" tank top.

Oh, definitely. Like I said, it will be something enthsiasts do for fun in their spare time. It will be like horseback riding is today.

Probably. But I am 100% convinced the rich will find some way to separate themselves from the masses. It's always been this way, from the days of being carried by servants in a litter to the days of big, black limousines, I don't see that changing.

Even when I read Rainbow's End, I thought "this system of transport is not so unlikely, but there's no way it would really be the same for everybody".

Makes sense. Also, the righteous "DRUGS ARE FOR DUMB JOCKS AND ANY SELF-RESPECTING GEEK SHOULD KNOW NOT TO TAINT THEIR BRILLIANT MIND WITH THIS UNWORTHY FILTH!" brigade seem to have arrived in time. Let the flaming begin.

Of course they shouldn't use drugs. You're a dumbass for seriously thinking I'm advocating drug use on a historic space mission.

Oh boo-hoo Mr or Mrs Puritan Geek. Good thing you're so in love with your brilliant untainted mind you won't abide even jokes about pot.

They'd run out of weed in the first week or so. Doesn't matter how much they bring - consumption is directly proportional to the amount stoners have at home (in their spacecraft) at a given time.

Make pomegranates an integral part of their prescribed diet. Those fuckers take forever to eat.

Now playing

Doesn't even come close to the classics IMO.

I actually think the system we'll be getting will end up being much less futuristic - we can barely support our infrastructure as it is. I think it's much more likely we'll still have crumbling asphalt roads in the future, only the cars that drive along them will be autonomous. I'm thinking something very close to

Well, racetracks already exist. Although I'm reasonably certain only cities and major highways would actually have systems installed that would be so complex as to necessitate a ban on manual driving for safety reasons. Out in the sticks (like where I live), the traffic volume is simply so low that I think they'd just

Meh, I very much enjoy driving (I'm a woman, btw - whoever made this ad don't seem to get that driving for enjoyment isn't something only super manly men do) and I'm totally ok with it becoming a largely automated task.

I think you're on to something there - before there was internet, I think the really rough stuff was something people deliberately sought out, seeing as you'd mostly have to buy or rent it and as such make a decision on what to buy/rent and what not.