
The Klinikum Aachen (anybody wanna venture a guess as to the correct pronouciation of that?) is seriously cool. It looks straight out of Blade Runner on the outside.

Bahaha, Rush concerts. I have on one occasion managed to drag my boyfriend - who is generally skeptic of music with words in it - to one of their shows and even though I'm completely average-looking and mostly dress in men's clothes and he looks like a liberal arts prof we looked like Brangelina compared to the sea of

That, and many secretly believe times of severe civil unrest are just around the corner, and if white people have more guns than all the other groups they will be able to shoot anybody who isn't white and straight and then they can all finally be happy ever after.

I thought that was quite smart actually - I can see a small kid who only ever heard his dad referring to the government spying saying it like that.

I kind of love how BD Wong's post is taking a jab at Obama, yet his profile pic is all "I totally got to meet the prez this one time y'all!"

"Pretend to like" - hit the nail on the head there. So many women, even many women who wanted the child, end up absolutely resenting their spawn, but who can you tell without being judged to hell?

Yeah, fuck MPG give me displacement and some serious power! I absolutely hate the fact that regular mid-range family sedans aren't really offered with engines over 3 liters any more, to say nothing of 5+ liters. Remember when ordinary middle-class people could afford big-block V8s?

I don't fucking care if you're seventeen, feminism should not be about "picking up people where they are". Her writing smacks of entitled whiteness, she's probably never even heard of privilege.

Wow, her father taught her that sex workers deserve the same rights and protection as everyone else? He must have been a seriously rare character in the police department.

A very apt description indeed.

I don't think it's really lying or even swindling if it's in a song. The braggadocio in rap songs isn't meant to be taken seriously (I guess unless you explicitly say it is true as Jay does in which case better make sure you have your facts straight or disses will be coming your way like dynamite), many rappers brag

I see her islamophobia, but what's wrong with that last tweet? It seems to me she's taking Zimmerman's supporters to task for being racist and only avowing his innocence because he killed a black person.

It is essentially that - the g-forces hate you and want to throw you from the saddle - and needing serious body tension so the g-forces, and in the case of dirtbikes, serious bumps and jumps, don't ruin your back in a very short time (it will still ruin your back in the long run, for most racers).

Do you have a bicycle? If so, have you ever misjudged a turn and found yourself going around it at too much speed? All your muscles tense as you try to hang on - now imagine doing that at much higher speed, on a super bumpy and muddy surface, day in day out. It's a serious workout.

It's no surprise when you consider that racing dirtbikes is a lot like riding a seriously angry horse. Merely holding on at relatively high speed over rough terrain requires a lot of strength as all the bumps and slides and the g-forces in turns conspire to painfully throw you in the mud.

Have you ever seen a motocross race? It takes major upper-body strength and serious body tension not to fall off while racing at serious speed over rough terrain on a motorcycle, to say nothing of doing competitive lap times or even the insane jumps that are common even in races (as opposed to freestlye motocross).

You're right of course. The era when VGA was the hot new thing is several years earlier.

It is. Like I mentioned, last time I was in Europe we took the train (the EuroCity IIRC) from Hamburg to Copenhagen and it was awesome. Get on the train in Hamburg, it drives straight onto the ship, walk around on the ship a bit, maybe eat something, get back on the train and soon you're in Copenhagen. All in all it