
They still have the ferries. They serve different routes than the bridge. The bridge connects Denmark's and Sweden's closest points. Sure, you can go by car from Germany to Sweden without having to take a single ferry, but the ferries save a lot of time by being able to go as the crow flies on many routes.

Yeah, so much better than baking in the sun while waiting in a nondescript paved area with some lackluster decoration like in many of the other big parks.

I can take or leave all the cutesy stuff but Disneyworld has some kickass roller coasters. Sure, some of the Six Flags have coasters that are bigger and faster, but they're not as fun somehow. The ride designers at Disney (or whoever designs their rides) seem to get that it's not just about speed and how tall the

Another place where crazy multipliers were possible were that small beach next to the hotel (I suppose it was supposed to be a hotel?) on the National Park-themed map.

Oh hell yeah. Only the British could come up with a game so deliciously amoral and awesome. Nothing like splattering a whole group of pedestrians and watching your driver's sociopathic reaction on the "prat cam".

Either Jaguar simply started using the new mirrors when they had run out of stock of the old type, or more likely the owner liked the way the wing mounted mirrors looked.

That's actually not a Mark II, but a Mark I (which is actually an unofficial designation that was given to the model line after the introduction of the Mark II, when they were new they Mark Is were simply referred to as 2.4 litre and 3.4 litre respectively). The Mark II has different, bigger windows among other

Thanks, that's interesting to know!

That's probably because the gist of the aerodynamic knowledge of the day was "well, let's round all the edges".

You can thank me later, when you're trapped in Germany after the zombie apocalypse and you have just locked yourself inside a locomotive that just happens to be fueled up and in working order, and good thing you remembered how to operate it from that one post on io9.

Oh damn, I once read one of his books ("Sick Puppy") and it was infuriatingly bad. The worst thing was the unbearably smug self-insert eco-activist protagonist who was completely uninteresting because, being a self-insert of the egomaniacal sort, he overcame all challenges with such ease and was so relentlessly

Incidentally, that train (the engine, really) has quite "sporty" design, no?

Damn, over the past months I've come to the conclusion that operational safety of freight trains in North America is seriously lacking. It seems every other week there's a serious derailment, collision or some other type of fuck-up.

They lose some of the whimsy, but when it comes to sheer elegance you cannot beat the aerodynamic designs of the mid-late 30s. The final evolution in steam engine design, capable of speeds around 120 mph (or even a little more).

I really dig trains and I really dig retro-futuristic design, so these pics are right up my alley. Especially the newer multiple unit trains. I think train design reached its peak in the 50s and 60s, some absolutely gorgeous train were built in that period.

They still had the train ferries the last time I was in Europe, in 2008. But the trains look much sleeker now (not my photo, but that's what they looked like). We went from Hamburg to Kopenhagen. It's really tremendously cool and cuts down on travel time between Scandinavia and Germany significantly.

Stupid HDR photography fad. It makes everything look so artificial.

Tsk tsk! Spreading misinformation is not a nice thing to do! In case you were genuinely confused, that's a speed control (Fahrtregler in German btw, which is kind of an awesome word IMO). Turn to the right to accelerate, turn left do decelerate/apply brakes.

Yeah, it's called Yes, Madam and it's pretty rad although, as often in HK films, the tone is all over the place alternating between slapstick comedy and heavy-handed drama. The action is top-notch, however.

Now playing

What, no Michelle Yeoh or Cynthia Rothrock? Well, to make up for it, here's the two of them together kicking some unreal ass. Sure, it's goofy and often very smartly faked but the sheer acrobacy and athleticism required to pull this off is astounding.