
I think it's really not necessary to enjoy the show - sure, I may not understand exactly how, say, a Select Committee works, but you generally get how these things make the situation worse for the characters (because it only ever gets worse), and what they have to do in order to get out of it - the humor is really in

I actually think it's different in Europe.

You mean In the Loop (which is essentially the The Thick of It movie)? Yeah, it's fucking perfect. My fave James Gandolfini character ever, even before Tony Soprano.

It's probably part of a programme to give grandmas something else to quilt after the 500th scarf.

To be fair, Obama Fine Young Cannibal's didn't have shit on Romney's Fine Young Cannibals, but of course the liberal mainstream media didn't give them any play.

I'm currently watching "The Thick of It" (it's similar to Veep, which is based on it, but a lot darker and meaner) and it seems that even the most abusive swearing is wittier and more elegant in Britain.

That still doesn't answer why people need toilet paper in their car. Surely paper handkerchiefs had been around back in the 50s?

Aka a "grandpa-mobile". I saw many of them in Germany with rolls of toilet paper dressed up in those hilarious quilted covers on the rear shelf (btw, what's the point of these? In case you have to take a dump by the roadside? Why not just have a Kleenex dispenser - no need to cover up those apparently so vulgar rolls!)

Mr Blackhall and Mr Hallmark seem like a lot of fun actually. It takes that special kind of British wit and slightly supremacist attitude to refer to the Red Bull team as "the fizzy drink that took over" and that it "isn't doing too bad".

Sometimes I'm really impressed how the writers here can worry about everything at once. I believe this is essentially a non-issue as we won't be going into space, privately or otherwise, long enough for it to matter before the rising sea-levels condemn space exploration to the fading memories of a few survivors.

Well, first of all I really resent the idea that activism is a zero-sum game - that feminists, anti-racists et al. are wasting their time and should be doing environmental activism instead.

I'd say that it's a hypercar, in that it represents the maximum of modern engineering taken to extremes without regard for common practicality - it's just that the stated goal wasn't to go as fast as possible, but to get the best mileage possible.

I'm more and more convinced that it's too late now anyway, and it's having a seriously bad effect on me. I used to be very invested in feminism and other social activism - now I feel like I shouldn't have bothered because any change I could possibly make in society will last a couple decades tops before rising sea

Yeah, how the hell did this article ever get past the "dumb idea" stage? This is a website for WOMEN fuckdammit, do we have to insert privileged white men into every female space?

The deal is racism.

You're not going to get them, because they don't exist. The only music white people can reasonably claim for themselves is European folk music, so-called classical music and related styles (ambient music, minimal music etc). But since Bach is dead and Philip Glass doesn't make music videos...

Barely 45 mph? That new body must have been seriously heavy or have seriously high drag because a regular 2CV can do about 65-70 mph.

I might just have to pick up that new X-Files. I used to be the biggest fan of the show (I used to dress just like Scully) and even today there's little I geek out over as much as Mulder and Scully's adventures. Combine that with the very open ending of the series and I'm intrigued to say the least.

Feel the sting of being ignored, man.

Nah, the era of homologation specials is over. At some point, automakers decided that the exploding costs of building competitive homologation specials - look at the DTM for example, it turned from M3s and 190 Evos that could actually be sold in real numbers into ridiculously complex 500hp AWD aero monsters that cost