
Man, I was totally gonna turn my old Town Car into a brand new MK-whatever by blowing some pyrotechnics over it.

Hate to burst your bubble but all BTCC cars use the same spec 2.0 engine. They look different and actually have some mechanical differences, so they're not just silhouette racers, but they all have to use the same purpose-built engine.

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Confession: I'm a huge sucker for cheesy 80s b-movie music. I spend way too much money hunting down tapes of obscure action movie soundtracks on ebay. I think (action) film music way a lot more fun before it became all Hans Zimmer RAH-WAH-WAH all the time.

Definitely. This is no excuse to be lazy, but I just can't believe these righteous warriors of righteousness have never in their life turned on the radio and nodded their heads to the beat of a sexist song or laughed at a Chappelle joke or something.

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I think one thing that would be really important to get this right is to have a lead who is super athletic. Sure, the feats Lara Croft pulls off in the games are beyond any human capability - quite literally beyond the load bearing abilities of any human body - but I think to make it not just another shootout/car

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I'd actually say the original Die Hard is a close competitor, but you're right about Aliens. It has the requisite hardcore action movie elements cranked up to 11 - huge, dumb explosions, super gruesome deaths, really big guns and even some genuinely funny humor - as well as decent writing, solid acting and imaginative

So do I (I'm a huge fan of ZZ Top and Motörhead), but not everyone has your attitude. Some people act like it's never ok to like anything problematic, although tbh I always suspect these people of secretly liking problematic stuff themselves.

Full disclosure: I really like Lindy West in spite of it all. Feel free to call me a fucking hyprocrite.

Intersting how you conflate facial characteristics common to Indian men with "villain features".

Ugh, Tracie. I generally like the editors despite their many shortcomings (resp. their online personas - of course I don't actually know them), but Tracie. Grinds my nerves so hard. The thing is, I think the Gawker borg knows how she gets people riled up and place a Tracie article that is just short of blatant

You could have avoided coming off as an uninformed, privileged ass by following one simple rule all white people should adhere to: if somebody, but especially a POC, suggests something said by a white person is racist, believe it and agree. There's a 99% chance it is racist, because the vast majority of white people

Man, this is so ugly. Repeat after me, designers:

If it sells as well as the PT Cruiser, Fiat may have a hit on their hands - whether we like it or not.

I can see how at the time the outgoing W201 must have looked out of style, but today I think it holds up much better. As the owner of a W201 (the 2.6 model) I'm probably biased though.

They could also try to go "edgy" and market it as a softcore porno with big-budget action scenes.

It's probably second nature for him by now.

Hell, I'm hoping it won't be that way. But I've seen Hollywood do it a thousand times and I don't see why they wouldn't do the same profitable thing a thousand-and-oneth time.

I used to be addicted to coke for the better part of the 90s, but thankfully I never got hardcore into meth. I kept it to relatively small hits because some of my trailer park neighbors were a constant reminder how bad it fucks you up.

Haha who are we kidding it's gonna be a male power fantasy with mabye some titillating lesbian sex which is gonna jump through hoops to avoid any notion that it is critical of current gender relations. The comic already had the amazons as straw feminists galore, wouldn't be surprised to see that played up, because

Serious question: are there any a-list fashion designers that bother to practice basic courtesy? Or are all of them self-important dicks (including women)?