
To be fair, the alternative to Adderall isn't really meth. Meth is less for staying awake when your body says sleep and increasing your focus as it is for 8-hour masturbation marathons and other frivolous activities.

If feminine clothing is your thing, that's a HELL YES. Personally, I'm not into feminine cothes so my summer outfit is generally short-sleeve men's shirts (so airy!) and chinos.

If they can't get Adderall anymore, they'll just use other amphetamines. I was in college (briefly) before Adderall et al. were available and people just snorted speed to stay awake for all-nighters. Or bought pills from truckers at highway rest stops.

Not gonna lie, I think Ozzy is quite sexy in his own weird way. Not in the "I'd like to date this guy" kind of way - I'm sure he's an absolute nightmare to deal with for longer periods of time - but he has tons of character and looks that are almost unreal for a guy his age who's done drugs his whole life.

That's because that argument is actually just a brag in disguise. Move along.

It's only the one squirrel they caught him running over.

This just in: it appears their "seacrifice" was in vain, as the adorable tree-dweller was moments later run over by a visiting Kentucky citizen, who spotted the squirrel in the opposite lane and steered his pickup truck over the median to hit the animal. In a statement to the police, the 62-year-old who was in the

I love them too. I imagine actually going into deep water with them today requires great confidence in your skills as a restorator, or those of the restoration shop of your choice. Ill-fitting body panels could mean a total loss!

I'll take the Fiat any day. Those rubber bumpers can be done away with if you're no afraid of a little custom work and the Fiat twin-cam engine is supposedly all kinds of fun despite its low output.

That's an amphicar, which as the name suggests is an amphibious car. The exhaust is so high up so it is above the waterline. Also there should be propellers beneath the rear bumper.

Could be. I could have easily gotten it wrong, as I don't speak Spanish well at all and back then his English was still a bit shaky as well, and I relied mostly on him for translation - his family are country people and most of them don't speak much English.

Maybe my assumption that it was popular was wrong - however, his folks live practically right across the border from Chile, so I guess it must just be a regional thing.

Not bad at all, if you ask me. For the record, I didn't butcher any guinea pigs myself, my bf has relatives in Western Argentina and it's a popular meat there.

I do not doubt for a second that, as much as I like the Pres, in his mind there are many things that are a lot more important right now. I don't think he's anti-gay at all, I just think that he cares much more for foreign policy and the economy than gay rights.

I'm from Georgia, and I never thought of Texas as being part of the South. It's all a matter of perspective - I feel like to the average New Yorker, the South begins south of Philadelphia and stretches all the way to California.

I'd say when it comes to hiding stuff, Utah is one of the top states. So much empty space!


Yeah, same here. I guess I could have had a big career, but I decided that corporate/office work sucks and became a carpenter instead. I won't ever see a six-figure income, but I certainly don't care. I like my job and it pays well enough for me to have all I need plus the occasional modest luxury.

The editors seem split on her. Ms Beusman is Pro-Dworkin (the only way to be), but I remember an article that was essentially "WHY ANDREA DWORKIN IS WRONG AND MEAN", don't remember who wrote it though. The point of ire was Dworkin's rejection of porn, which apparently gets many peeps super mad.

I gotta say I like people being angry. Shows they care.