
In this case, it's probably not American Apparel seeing how they only cost 6 dollars. At that price point, if it's even a brand shirt, it's usually Haynes, Gilden or if they're really good, Fruit of the Loom (again, unlikely for 6 bucks).

Seems like over time, the thumbs up has sort of taken on an additional meaning as a signifier of questionable decisions.

Damn, that wing is huge. Good thing they didn't make it any bigger or the car would get crushed by all the downforce.

Some also say that he has the largest member in the Western Hemisphere.

This is stupid. Everyone knows Crystal belongs in a pipe, not in eggs!

"Piney Pinecreek"... now with 50% more pine!

I dig his hairy armpits.

Good, but not as good as disco Kinks.

I know it isn't the Mississippi. God that water is ghastly (I used to live right next to it).

Yeah, I figured that out too late. Also, 10 bucks says someone is gonna label this RACIST.

Disco-era Kinks are the best Kinks IMO.

I dunno. I feel if she were truly smart she'd find a way to turn her fame into reliable coin ASAP, but somehow she hasn't done that (afaik).

It's not like he prepares it himself. Although that would be funny "Damn, gonna need a new clock, I accidentally dipped another one in the batter!"

Now playing

Since everybody is apparently submitting their jams willy-nilly today, here's a song that currently rules me. I'm a woman, but I can so relate to this. Plus it's super catchy.

Lol Raph you're a dancefloor snob, aren't you? I do like this song a lot. I was young in that time, but all we ever listened to was Southern Rock and the Scorpions (I like that too, but sometimes I wish my youth would have been a bit more... cosmopolitan).

Off topic, but Gwendoline Christie has to have the longest legs I've ever seen on a woman.

Motorweek is full of unintended hilarity. I distinctly remember a scene where they try to visualize the too-small-for-their-liking trunk space of some 90s sedan by having a guy try to stuff an extra bag in it - going about it the way people in infomercials go about operating products that are supposed to be replaced

I'm sorry, but I can't get over how disingenuous it is to first state that furthering American imperialism is bad and not something you want to support (awesome!), then trot out the most tiresome clichés about the valiant Occupy protesters.

Yeah, I don't really go there but from what a lesbian friend of mine tells me, in addition to the white-males-be-trollin' stuff that gets all the attention here, there must be a lot of queer sex sub-reddits that, as she put it, "aren't always for the fain of heart".