
How is that phrase wrong? Rapists get away all the time because defenders know how to play the slut card. There is a definite difference between guilt and conviction by a court. Just ask black people.

Adele's album is only good if you've never heard proper soul performed by a black artist.

...and as non-threateningly white? Seriously, it's ridiculous how everyone has to shit on Kanye's talents because he isn't all demure about it like black people are supposed to be.

Yeah, huge pet peeve of mine. Yes they do a lot of bad stuff, but in most serious health cases, their products are what's standing between you and death/severe complications. The same cannot be said for your chiropractor or spirit healer.

Probably. Although I'd have zero qualms with some badass feminist militia going around firebombing the headquarters of anti-abortion groups and doing hits on rapists that escaped conviction. I think this country needs a healthy does of civil unrest to shake women from their complacency.

My boyfriend was born in Buenos Aires and lived there until his early 20s and he keeps telling me about how they'd do the same thing with commuter trains - at speeds of 50-60mph! It was always a contest who would dare to hang on the longest. He stopped after one his friends hit a utility pole, broke his neck and died.

Wrong. The fight against sexism is just that - a fight, a battle. You don't win it by being nice. You win it by destroying your enemy, or at least make it so hard for them to be sexist openly that they can't help but be nice unless they want to be shunned by society.

Indeed. Even more so back in '93, when low 6 second-range to 60 was nothing to sneeze at. That was still low-end Porsche territory.

I admit I found it funny, but it really is sexual harassment, isn't it?

This is quite a brilliant insight into teenage minds. Being all detached and hostile, just to overplay your awkward attraction.

Yeah. Germany has Neo-Nazis who are arguably even worse than the Tea Party. They're a minority, but very vocal and making inroads among the unpolitical - you know, like the Tea Party, except they're officially fascists.

They lean more to the left insomuch as they are less likely to be rabidly opposed to taxes, tend to prefer more government control over things etc, but in how they're like to deal with as people they're not so different.

People have said this a lot, that the good vastly outweighs the bad aspects.

And some of our favorites as well! It stings so bad!

You've given your own answer. The only way a bro will ever inconvenience himself is for another bro. Those chicks and that brat? Eff 'em, bros before hoes.

"It's cool man, they were just chicks. Bros before hoes, amirite?"

Hey now, I didn't mean to brag or shit on the way you smoke. Some people like to be stupid stoned after a single joint or bong hit, some prefer to just get a little mellow while still having their shit together. All fine.

I smoke weed and I still mix it with tobacco, mostly because I like the really strong stuff (straight from the Appalachians, none of that weak Mexican shit), and smoking that pure is simply overkill and a waste. It has generally been my experience that people who prefer to smoke their weed pure usually smoke weaker or

I think a small stable for a goat should be feasible so long as you're apt with tools and physically fit - people tend to forget that timber is heavy as fuck. I do a special workout routine three times a week to protect my back from damage from all the heavy lifting.

Maybe I should have clarified that I'm not a finish carpenter or cabinetmaker, but what's technically called a framer - I build the skeletal framework for wooden houses and barns. So I'm more of a construction worker, albeit a specialized one.