
Yeah, maybe. My theory is that she is so deep in pot and assorted medications she can't motivate herself anymore, although she denies this.

THE BEST are heavy pot smokers who get all "ew, cigarettes are gross" (usually the kind who go out of their way to point out that they only smoke pure blunts). I smoke pot myself, but I have no illusions that it's any better or more noble than tobacco.

I have a very talented artist friend who has been working the same low-level retail job for the better part of a decade now, and she absolutely hates it. But she is super afraid that once she starts marketing her art it will inevitably compromise it "on a subconscious level".

I'm unrepentant in my smoking and drinking. Anti-social? You could say that's why I do it. Also, since I smoke pot regularly I never saw the point of giving up cigarettes.

For reversing this seems like a good idea - although I remember from my short time in Europe, there were very tall curbs everywhere that needed a unique combination of fearless throttle to climb without stalling and delicate maneuvering to avoid hitting parked cars.

I don't know, isn't that setting up people for painfully slow starts at traffic lights though?

Unless you're driving a diesel. Not all diesels can do this, but many will begin to move slowly if you release the clutch in first without even stepping on the gas.

Oh man this makes me even more torn on the Ultra-Orthodox assimilation thing.

Would you go as far as to say that most assimilated Jews are unhappier for it?

Would you be so kind as to educate me on the why the different wording carries different meaning?

I'm torn on the assimilation. On one hand, why should they? On the other hand, I get angry when some Republican holds misongynist views, and the same goes for Ultra-orthodox Jews - the majority of whom hold terribly misogynist views based on their interpretation of the Torah.

"Only time will tell if her appointment actually makes a difference of if they military system is simply flawed irreparably."

OT, but I like how apparently the other Jez editors are apparently so old by now they felt they had to bring in Ms Ahmad to cover the internet stuff.

Someone's career is on the upswing, and someone's career is on the downswing.

Yeah, it's ridiculous how defensive the self-appointed guardians of nerdhood become when people who are more socially adept also enjoy the same stuff they do. I think the only requirement to be a nerd is to genuinely like the stuff you nerd about - it doesn't matter how much you know about it, or if you're good at it,

Who needs sources? I'll happily believe anything sinister about that man.

Holy shit WHAT. Why would you even do that. I mean, the DOG IS NOT YOUR CHILD, HUMAN!

If you are at a really fancy hotel, in many places you'll find purveyors of upmarket recreational drugs in the bar. They'll approach you.

Haha, that manual looks weirdly familiar to anyone who ever played a CRPG back in the days when the "development teams" consisted of one programmer and that friend of theirs that could kind of draw stuff ("graphics and manual by...").

I remember in the early years of high school we had a super creepy old bus driver who would regularly make inappropriate remarks to us girls. Thing is, Georgia in the early 80s was still so fucking prude, we were shushed whenever we tried to bring it up, so he could continue without consequence.