
Something that replicates the effects of Crystal Meth without the horrific side effects. I tried it once and I tell you, you haven't felt alive until you've masturbated for 8 hours straight. I felt like the skin was going to come off my clit and labia afterwards.

Good thing we live in a democracy and you're not the majority. You shall not take my booze from me!

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is something to be welcomed, I think the growing disinterest in politics and shaping our own futures in general and the blurring of lines between the real and the manufactured pesudo-realities is a very worrying trend.

Why do we automatically assume that the people who would want to instrumentalize memes as a political tool would be sinister villains? It could just as well be used to finally give, say, the Occupy movement the push it needs.

Even if you don't find that offensive, it really doesn't merit another season for its blandness alone. Everyone looks like they stepped out of some sort of commercial, the plot quickly becomes boring and god damn, it really shows its low budget.

Some others chimed in to say that most likely they didn't capture any of the actual race and what we see was shot before or after the fact. Bummer, if you ask me.

Yeah, but why can't I see the actual race? I mean, it's the exciting part, really. Even if it would just be raw footage from a couple of GoPros strapped to the cars.

Personally, I'd have preferred a simple dash/rear-bumper cam setup capturing the whole actual race, with minimal editing. Maybe the occasional picture-in-picture to show the pedal work or whatever.

So... who's driving the camera car then? I can't help but feel this is something of a put-on - if they can't pass the camera car, can they really race "for real"?

I'm all about the red as well. I'd rather have something Italian, though - but no Ferrari because those are way too burgeois. Maybe an Alfa Romeo.

Yeah, despite all the FUN vibe the ad is trying to conjure, this is really the kind of car you buy when you need a car.

I must be getting old, because McDonald's is my favorite fast food place. I also really like Taco Bell, but the enjoyment of their products is always hampered by knowing exactly what it will do to my bowels.

Here in the South, most popular among women are huge-ass pickup trucks. They don't come in candy colors, although afaik Ford does still make an "Eddie Bauer" edition, which means it has more tan parts. As for cars, the "New" Camaro seems to be doing quite well among female buyers. It does come in candy colors but all

Damn, without the cage the engine would've ended up in his lap!

Yeah, as much as I do like Heavy Metal, the sad truth is that pop is still the most progressive genre of music.

Because I'm super weird, I always had the hots for Chris Bauer who played Faith's husband. Same goes for his character in The Wire. Scruffy blue-collar guys turn me on so hard!

Eddie Cibrian also was on that show about NY firefighters, rescue workers and cops, Third Watch. I remember really liking it because it seemed very realistic. Plus, many of the actors were really good. Cibrian was just stupid eye candy though.

Not to mention hours and hours out in traffic, which is really what is lacking in American driver's ed. I remember from Germany the practical test being this big rite of passage that every German teenager was in awe of.

I got thrown around real bad, despite having my seatbelt on - that's the downside of tank-like body-on-frame construction, the impact energy isn't absorbed and thus you take the full brunt. The impact into the field was also super harsh. The bench seat also didn't help, seeing how it provides zero lateral support.

That's a mop-up-top if I've ever seen one!