
So, would this mean driving yourself would at some point become illegal? I can see the developers of driverless cars pushing for that once the tech is ready, to maximize the safety gains and minimize crashes, to get the best possible PR result. Also it would mean the tech cold be a lot simpler and cheaper, because it

One, an '80 Caprice Classic wagon, happened in '92. By that time it was already a beater so it wouldn't have taken much to total it, but it was a big one.

That small business he owns keeps him way too busy!

That's why true patriots store their cars on cinderblocks in their backyard when they've reached the end of their service life.

Ha! My boyfriend is a major mountainbiker as well, and that was pretty much how our first tour turned out. He's more considerate now, but occasionally he still forgets that I haven't been doing it for decades le he has.

Thank you for touching on the fact that homecooking has become a privilege today.

You're not from the US, right? Because here, in many families the last relatives that knew how to cook have been dead for some time.

C'mon, that was most likely unintentional. Also, does meningitis even cause rashes? I thought it was something in your brain.

Now playing

Here's something to make you feel better. In the commercial world of the 90s, you didn't have to be a super buff stubbly-bearded white dude to enjoy carving some awesome corners in your manual Camaro.

Gotta wonder if that would still happen if our rail network were better maintained. The line near my house looks like cars might be thrown off even during normal operation.

That's why I specified that I'm not egalitarianist when it comes to gender - men don't concern me.

Well I guess we just disagree there. I think censorship is nothing bad in itself. It can be a great tool to further progressive causes. Imagine if we could just put a muzzle on Fox News et al!

I admit to being overly defensive, sorry. But I have to say that the sentiment I described is all too common on the internet.

And I think Iceland has a very good record in that department, so we can look confidently forward to them not abusing this potential new law.

Whereas we now live in an age of sexual enlightenment where everyone is equal in bed?

I'm pretty confident that this won't happen in Iceland. The vast majority of Icelanders or completely accepting of queer people.

See, that's where oldschool feminists and whatever you identify as clash.

Breaking down barriers and leaning into male-dominated spaces is only cool when you approve, right? It's actually a big thing, in the racing world. So no need to be dismissive.

That argument is only valid in places where queer youth have no other way of learning of and about other queer people. Iceland is not one of those places, being at the very top when it comes to queer acceptance and visibility.