
Are you being sarcastic? Because (former) Marines, and soldiers in general, do horrible shit all the time. The armed forces are essentially a training ground for violent psychopaths.

Yeah, but imagine how much worse it would have been with "Italian" accents, I'm thinking men in togas talking like Steven Van Zandt.

Like God will do any better. I'm pretty sure that before long we'll have a war robot that could punch God in the dick like a bitch.

To some, there is no difference.

Yeah, not the full picture though. I never looked at these years this way. I mainly think of it as "the time I nearly fucked up my life beyond repair". I came out of it with no job, education or friends and an addiction to various substances. And a view of Atlanta that will be forever tainted.

You might say that the GMC Motorhome is the king of RVs, but this one truly is the King of Kings.

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In many ways. I'm a bit bummed she doesn't really do much work anymore. For a while there, circa late-90s, it looked like we might finally get that female Bruce Willis and she'd be smart and talented as well.

I think this was just a one time thing, though. I'm kind of bummed she never really followed up on her debut album, because she has great songwriting chops.

Better than fake I guess, but still pretty high on the ridiculous scale.

FOR REAL?? Gotta check that shit out, I'm not so into her acting but I love her music. I think she should have been a full-time recording artist. Hope she still does her weird ass folk/pop thing and hasn't jumped on any bandwagons (except possibly Dubstep because that would be insane).

What's she up to these days, anyway? I haven't seen her in anything that wasn't Resident Evil in years.

Mother-effin' Enigma, dude. Back in the day, I banged a zillion guys high on random tranquilizers to the sound of fake Gregorian chants, pan flutes and general exotica layered over random breakbeats. Until finally the LP was worn so bad it kept getting stuck all the time (I was very late to the CD party).

Props to the fake Psy, has to be my fave story today.

I wouldn't say waste two hours. It's critically recognized as a good film, and while it is disheartening, I have to say I agree with its message that racism is learned, but cannot be "cured".

LOL fake side pipes on a Geo!

Definitely. She's representative of the ad's intended audience. Which is quite special in itself - when was the last time you saw an ad targeting black yuppie types (what with the "corner office" and "six-figure income" being examples of desirable things to "wait for")?

Are there self-help groups for women who are into guys who look like giant douchebags? Because Colin Farell gets me super hot every time.

Athens, GA ain't so bad either. It's definitely the University.

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I think advertising is a good meter for progressiveness. So, here's a 90s commercial for the Chevy Camaro, featuring a non-sexualized woman of color just enjoying a drive down some awesome cliff road (btw, how cool is her vest?). Compare with any modern sportscar commercial, and despair.

In other news, Christian Slater Still Hot. I had the worst crush on him circa Hard Rain.