
I humbly beg entry into the castle, m'lord.

Well, so long as I still get all the regular features, I don't really care what the site looks like. Although that scrollbar on the side was quite practical indeed.

Not surprisingly, the remaining good examples of both these cars are usually driven by folks with serious cash. 10k for an engine rebuilt won't hurt you much if you're pulling in 5 times as much per month.

The bro-lifestyle always comes at a price. Some bros can delay the inevitable, but sooner or later, they all turn into second-rate Alec Baldwin imitators - even upperclass bros like DiCaprio.

Yeah, IMO while still sexy, the current Aston Martins don't hold a candle to the simple, restrained perfection that is the DB7.

They may not make sense here, but to claim all trains everywhere are vain nonsense is being blind to the reality in other countries.

Yeah, hit the nail right in the head there. Given how many people would probably have to be removed from their properties, and every local government's fear of having a standoff over a family farm or even a full-blown siege situation with some armed militia types, we'll either have high-speed lines winding like snakes

The one with the "distance warner" has to be the best. "If I fall back more than 2 meters, it beeps!"

I call 'em like I see 'em.

"Monstrous" is not really used as a descriptor of any quality of the car here - it's just meant to make clear that it is totally "real" and a little forbidden (bc EMISSIONS and public transport makes so much more sense, you guys), but that the author's bad self is totally down with that, bc he's no square like all the

DiCaprio always seems to try to pass himself off as a sophisticated progressive who dabbles in saving the world bc he's just so good, and many people believe it.

True. When we say "impossible", we usually mean "impossible at a price we could afford, or even rationally think of". I mean, if you're rich enough you can go to f-ing space, so having a stealth supercar built should be well in the realm of the possible.

Well, gearheads are hardly the target audience of the NYT.

The Vice article closes with: "We don't care; we're not their sisters. It only matters that when we're together, the hour always feels a little like dawn, and the sun, like blood."

Yes. You need to stop with that shit. Is it really so inconceivable to forego something for the greater good?

Sweet. Now if only I could convince my boss to pay me a 7-figure income...

Hell yeah, Lola T70s! You gotta love Lola - they may never have had a chance against the big dogs Porsche and Ferrari, but it wasn't for lack of trying. But in the end, their pockets just weren't deep enough.

I've tried it, and didn't like it. However, it raised a question in me: if you do the whole nine yards and get rid of it all, how do you prevent your ass cheeks from sticking together?

Breakfast will always be the most important meal in my heart, because COFFE AND GRITS. I live for that shit.

Trolling sucks. Get cultured.