
I tend to only watch what I really like, but when it comes to music I have hella guilty pleasures, namely I'm a Southern rock fan. Now, there are Southern rock bands that can be enjoyed guilt-free (e.g. the Allman Brothers Band and its verious offshoots, more alt stuff like Drive-by-Truckers or even classic Lynyrd

"Baby Love" by Mother's Finest. That song gets me every time.

Keep in mind that used car prices are much higher in Europe - market value for a comparable car in the US wouldn't be much over 2k. Used cars are still pretty cheap here, bc most people (esp. in the suburbs) would rather take up a credit they can't pay back than buy used. There's a certain stigma associated with used

I'd keep a bit more probably, because even at the amateurlevel, auto racing is effing expensive.

I like Katie Couric, but her smile can be really unsettling. Check her at the 2:23 mark and tell me that smile couldn't preface something really bad happening to the people you love.

Lolwut. De Niro has range, and lots of it. He's best known for his rage-roles, but have you ever seen Awakenings? He's awesome in that as a man who is awakened from catatonia after decades (which actually really happened). Or his role in Brazil, small though it is. Or him in Stanley & Iris. Or, or, or.

Sorry, I misread your comment it seems. It's just that the LOL NERDS R AFRAID OF GIRLZ bullshit really grinds my gears. Not only is it not necessarily true, it usually serves to paint nerds as inferior and to demean/detract from their capabilities - as I'm sure you know.

"Obama should buy a few of these to help his cronies cross the rivers like their idols when they come to take our freedom!!"

This is bad only if you believe female genitalia are gross or sinful or inferior or some other misongynistic bullshit. Which this "article", if I get the gist of it right, seems to do.

That's condescending and totally misrepresenting what I said. Some people, many of whoms are drawn to nerdy pursuits, have difficulty picking up social cues and there is nothing wrong with helping them get your intended meaning. Not everybody can have the perfect date where no words are necessary.

Ah, I see. Didn't get that it was meant as a memory aid.

Sorry, but would you mind gendering such example in the future? Language is important, and using the masucline as standard others women, and it's not like writing "s/he" or "her/him" is a big hassle, is it?

To avoid any misconceptions (I know how y'all love misconceptions) this is just a dumb anecdote that came to mind, and not intended to argue against the article's points, which I wholeheartedly support.

I like (i.e. am furious about) how nonchalantly the Mufti basically says "fuck the government, I'm the boss here". Like it had never occurred to him that he might not be top dog.

Well, they have the metric system in Italy as well... I know they call it the Royale in Germany. I've never been to an Italian McDonald's though.

If I had that kind of money, you better believe I'd be racing cars ALL THE TIME! My boyfriend would just have to find some way to pass the time without me.

Hey, thanks for a concise and easy to understand answer! I'm always curious and try to learn about things, but since I've had almost no higher education I often lack the basis to figure things out.

Sometimes the abuse cannot be proven, and aside from that, if it's premeditated etc it's still murder.

That is not really the reason why we put people in jail, just a nice mission statement. We put criminals in jail to show the rest of society that the rules still count and that they are still expected to follow them.

I'm inclined to agree on rape, but murder happens for all kinds of reasons, including as a last resort by people who see no other way to escape from an abuser - so really, it's a case-by-case thing.