
It's like sleeping in the basement of an American McDonald's, except they call the quarterpounder a Royale with cheese.

Obviously, but what if we take that out of the equasion? What about super high-tech cost-no-object engines, think something McLaren might build in 2050. That's what my question was getting at.

The refusal of companies to grant paid sick days goes beyond fear of smaller profits IMO.

I read the other day that the much higher efficiency of modern engines is largely due to much improved porting and general precision in building, which got me thinking.

Being poor and being ignorant are not comparable. Ignorance is a personal flaw to be corrected, being poor is usually the result of outside circumstances that the affected have little control over.

Like somebody else already said, this isn't really baby perfume in the sense that comes to mind. In Italy (where D&G comes from), and many other latin cultures it is customary to give perfume as a gift when a child is born, it goes back to giving stuff like frankincense or myrrh, it's related to the nativity story.

Yeah, doesn't s/he know being rude to Americans is illegal under international law bc Americans are the best!!

Ouch, that sounds like it might have been a fairly protracted affair. The angle grinder made short work of my thumb - I didn't feel any pain until much later, probably due to the massive surge of adrenaline.

Sorry, that doesn't sound very feminist. Women simply doing socially male-gendered stuff is not actual empowerment. Copying the sexist construct that is "the badass" is no progress.

Oh man, the drawing. I used to draw some fucked up shit, and I really mean this. While no great artist, I have a knack for pretty realistic pencil drawings, and already had it as a teenager.

There is no logic to it. Not to knock on your parents, but like most parents they probably eventually realized they regretted ever having children and reacted like most parents, by becoming loveless tyrants.

It depends. In high school, I had seriously violent fantasies that pretty much were all I thought about. Violence was a big turn-on and fascination of mine, I watched every bootleg video of executions, wars, car crashes etc I could find.

This may not be the right place to confess this, but I love reading conspiracy sites. I don't believe in all the conspiracy shit*, but I find it morbidly fascinating. Sometimes it can be like reading some weird scrapbook thriller novel.

My car has been nice to me so far, but while cutting a rusty spot out of a rear fender, I cut off part of my thumb with an angle grinder several weeks ago. It was quite surreal seeing it lying there on the floor.

Oh wow, what's the reasoning behind not cooking your veggies? Don't tell me it's about suffering!

Hey now, I didn't mean to be condescending! I watch Lost Girl, too. But I can only ever watch 2 or 3 episodes at a time before it starts to get on my nerves, although I always come back for more.

If you truly believe that failing to convert or otherwise remove the people holding these woldviews will bring about God's catastrophic wrath, which commonly entails horrific suffering of a quite perverse sort, that is rough.

The real problem with any religion, Islam or otherwise, is that the vast majority of followers will always tend toward cherry-picking. People are inevitably influenced by the people around them, and if social consensus deems to see women as second-class people, they'll happily disregard the tenets of their faith that

Stop with that relativist bullshit right there. That kind of shit does not happen even in the wort corners of the South. Not on that level.

Not knocking on the movies in general, but this series is quickly turning into the Vin Diesel/The Rock/Michelle Rodriguez retirement fund. I'd really like to see some fresh faces, especially since neither of the aforementioned trio are very nuanced actors and it's getting kind of one-note.