
If scientists could make a clone of Bobby D circa Mean Streets, I'd give some fairly vital organs for some sexytime with him. Hell, I'd even take early 90s De Niro. Just so long as the clone has the same sexy accent.

No, but the fact that he chooses to act in porn with some really misogynistic storylines throws major shade on his being a feminist IMO. Before you give me a long lecutre about how BDSM isn't misogyny, that's not what I'm talking about. He does other porn than the stuff.

Woops, looks like you were accidentally racist there.

"...He-Man continued to lead a cushy life, occasionally thwarting Skeletor's half-assed schemes..." - seriously, sometimes it felt like Skeletor wasn't even trying anymore. He was like an aging b-list rock star with a loyal fanbase who would buy the albums he shit out every couple years. Sure, he was the leader of

Back in the 90s, I used to do a rather unhealthy variation of that 5:2 diet - during the week, I'd work my stupid retail job while pretending to go to college, and ate normally.

I dunno, I can sort of see the value of a purely ceremonial head of state who isn't actually involved in politics. That way, all the beautiful ceremonies they preside over don't get tainted by partisan hackery (ZOMG Obama drank wine, he's such an elitist etc).

I know Death Race didn't have that - I was referring to that drag-reduction thing Formula 1 introduced last (?) season to have more overtaking. You know, that thing a driver may use when he's closer than x to the guy in front of him that reduces drag so he can overtake more easily.

"Deploy Angry Bird" - that is intriguing. I think Formula 1 could use a Death Race 2000 element.

Of course the dude is hot - imagine how many focus groups the Coke PR folks ran their bazillion candidates through before deciding on him.

The real question is whether the authors write in these inequalities subconsciously, or knowingly. It does seem a bit paranoid to think children's book authors purposely manufacture their books to uphold dominant social mores - but then again, maybe there is such a thing a government grants to authors to turn out

That "ultra-nationalist faction" was democratically elected, and if the people so desire, they can elect someone else next time. The regrettable mistake in treatment of the refugees is merely coincidental.

So what you're saying Israel is sliding into fascism? Israel of all states? Yeah, no anti-semitism here.

Judging by his swollen appearance and his complexion that suggested a blood pressure not much lower than the pressure in his truck's oversize tires, I guess it was more a case of roid rage.

A dude once pulled a gun on me over a parking spot. He got the parking spot, but also got the cops called on his ass.

I have no higher education (not counting 2 years in college where I did jack shit), and I still try to educate myself whenever I can. A lack of formal education does not necessarily mean a person is uneducated.

I resent the implication that I must be a man because I was being an ass there (yes, I admit it). Nice gender stereotyping. I was trying for the "harsh but true" talk there, but yeah.

Ah, sorry. I really came across as an ass there. I was trying the "harsh but true" type of talk there but I guess I'm not very good at that. Well, like SeaAnemone said there's still plenty of ways to get laid if you're not so good-looking; maybe a club isn't the setting for you (which was kind of my base of

Like I said, Germans have a different attitude to eating out, so they accept comparatively high prices.

Well, I guess South Park was right - assholes do come in all shapes and forms.

Wow, your last paragraph really is news to me. It's not even that I don't know any lesbian women - it's just that they are both very much in line with my preconceived notions of lesbians. They're both super progressive, slightly hippie-tinged women who have happily been with their partners for years (and work in