
Simple: if you want to get laid, don't have long hair. For most women, there is nothing less attractive than a guy with long hair. Sure, some rockstars or whatever can pull it off, but you're not them. Just have it buzzed very short at the sides and tell your hairdresser to leave something on top. Comb that back with

I know that's the way the business operates. Which is why I've always preferred the way it's handled in Germany (probably other countries too, but I haven't been there). The prices there seem steep at first, until you learn that tips are genuinely something "extra" there, because they servers and other staff actually

I'm no way doubting what you say, but... how? I mean, as a woman you practically cannot help but experiencing what being powerless and oppressed feels like. How do you not make the connection?

Moss is one of the people where I always wonder how they can come across as so reasonable, relatable and educated and still believe in the weirdofest that is Scientology.

I didn't say I'm actively in favor of banning porn - just that I think it wouldn't be much of a loss. I'd be much more in favor of the industry if they were only willing to maybe self-regulate content a bit more, maybe draw some sort of line. I realize most mainstream studios don't do the really bad stuff where you

I find it weird that they didn't differentiate between rape, physical violence or stalking by a partner when it came to lesbian women, just saying that "43.5% of lesbian women had experienced one of the three". I mean, most of that has got to come down to stalking, right?

Tbh, I would not have a big problem with porn being illegal. Sure, some of it may be pretty good, but most of it is really bad. And frankly, I don't see the good side winning.

I assume you don't play video games? Well... I got nothing.

Right next to a crudely drawn caricature of Love, and scrawled over a faded "Jenny & Chad 4-eva" -heart.

Sweet, X-Files thread! Dana Scully was my hero back then, to the point that I dressed like her. I was only in my early 20s then, so people inevitably thought I was some kind of fundie prude...

Oh, I did! I was super invested in the whole conspiracy stuff (as in, I actually believed in it - way back when, obv!). I spent whole nights discussing the conspiracy angle in weird newsgroups back in the 90s!

You have to admit it would be easier to just ban porn outright than invest the time and energy to transform it. And what would we lose? I think overall, not having all of the bad stuff is worth banning the potentially good along with it.

Maybe. But this is the porn most people watch. And if they learn something from it, that's what they learn. Look, nobody wants to take away your Maria Beatty/Trouble films/etc porn. But does the world really need

Haha, Tara Reid is all "me too, me too!"

So what? She's renouncing America and all that it stands for. That's sad.

Will you be a billionaire now? If so, will you buy a car for all your faithful (ex-)readers?

This is a bad (as in vile) show and you should feel bad for watching it. This thin attempt at rationalization is shameful. This is officially my last post here.

A 164 S, or even better a QV, is definitely high on my list of cars I'd like to own someday. When I was looking for a new dd to replace my Renault which is now undergoing a restauration, I looked hard for a 164 in good shape, but I was out of luck.

This show, to me, is like The Wire: it's an accurate depiction of how things are/were in that (time and) place, and the people are complex characters who act believably. The writing is also top-notch. I should like it.

I was expecting a juicy confessional story! I feel cheated by this headline! Feel my righteous scorn!