
A couple friends who know I like Herradura got me the Seleccion Suprema as a present for my 30th birthday. It's great, so great in fact that 5 years later there's still some left in the bottle because I can't bring myself to finish it.

Super soldiers? Mmm... spiney.

"In its price range" being the operative phrase. It's affordable for an Anejo, and better than many more expensive ones IMO (though that is a matter of taste of course). There are better tequilas for sure, but they cost significantly more - hence the Smirnoff comparison.

Herradura is sort of the classic choice. It's a basic, but very well made tequila. Sort of like what Smirnoff is for vodka.

Herradura Anejo or gtfo!

Yeah, noticed that too. Although I shared the link on fb with a gay male friend of mine, who replied that while gay men come in all shapes and looks, he did say that the various "scene" subcultures do tend toward uniformness among each group.

That's a NP for sure! I actually like the design, but I'm weird when it comes to Alfas, mostly preferring the saloons to the coupes. But even if you think it's ugly, you won't see it from the driver's seat.

Apparently, gay white men have exactly 2 hairstyles, whereas gay black men have exactly one. Why do straight ad people always picture gays as some sort of uniform army?

I wasn't trying to imply any ill-gotten gains on his side - it just happened to pop into my mind that on the show, AJ first drove a yellow Xterra, then a 3-series. Looks like the writers did good research!

So basically, that dude was A.J. Soprano.

Right? It's like he tries to fit in here by using a list of pre-written "feminist phrases" and humor he read somewhere on tumblr or something, but ever so often he slips up.

Oh, c'mon Seinfeld hasn't been off the air for that lo... welp, time to move to Florida, I suppose.

I swear, you can't read 5 yahoo comments without someone saying black people are criminals (not even bothering to insinuate), calling a white woman "mudshark", calling for genocide in the Middle East...

Easy. You = thou, and add -st or -th to the end of every verb (at your own discretion). Done!

I can definitely understand it, too. But understanding is not accepting. Few people hold problematic opinions because they like being bad; that doesn't mean it's ok.

Strictly speaking, with the possible exception of Country there isn't really any popular music white people perform that isn't a co-opting of black music.

Oh man, you must be a Corvette driver. Yeah, the correct thing to write would have been "muscle car/classic sports car". I know a muscle car seats 4, is mid-size to full-size, based on a volume model etc... But that's just what happens when you re-write a comment too often - the parts don't fit anymore.

I meant this like I wrote it. I didn't intend it as some backhanded way to go "see, nobody here is poor after all!".

Haha, sometimes I'm like that, too. I'll read a great story in an Open Thread, and go "well, that's it - the rest will probably be people complaining about their partners/medication, might as well call it a night!".

"Lightheaded" - great word. It definitely describes how I felt seeing my thumb on the floor.