
Wasn't my writing/main hand. Lucky me.

They said they were "hopeful". I'll probably be able to grab things etc well enough, but in all likelihood it won't be as nimble as it was before. So operating tools and machinery should be fine - and good thing, because if I couldn't I'd have to start looking for another job right about now - but I won't ever be as

Well, the amount of safety precautions good companies take at their job sites is immense. If you think about it, you're much more likely to get hurt off the job, like I was.

I figure, following the law of averages, I should be safe from losing any more thumbs in the foreseeable future. I totally suck at videogames now, though.

So I cut off my own goddamn thumb this wednesday. It was definitely a weird experience seeing it laying there on the floor of my garage, it took me a couple of seconds to process what just happened. It didn't even hurt until much later. I was weirdly calm, I just picked it up, put it in a freeze bag and had my

How to check if you're poor or just broke: if your life depended on getting money right now, like you need an expensive medical procedure or bail and a lawyer, or are simply starving, would you be able to get it without breaking the law?

Probably playing videogames with my boyfriend (wah-waah). Or maybe playing D&D if my group can get off their lame asses.

Can somebody explain M.I.As tweet to me? I usually find her very bright and observant when it comes to political/social topics, but somehow I'm too dumb to decipher her meaning this time. But I want to know, because M.I.A!

According to a very good gay male friend of mine, the gay male "scene", for lack of a better word, has always had a somewhat misogynistic streak.

Except for really bent cocks. Those are, in fact, revolting.

Ah, I see. I guess it depends on your angle. Sure from a technical standpoint, it's essentially shortened, lightened and souped-up Javelin and as such a high-performance pony car.

Yeah, but it does show torture yielding information that leads to the capture of Bin Laden - which simply did not happen. Unless you want to call John McCain, Dianne Feinstein et al. liars.

Popular (your?) opinion is that all AMCs ever are shit, but that's really not true. The original 2-seat AMX (not the bloated Javelin AMX from 1971-74) is a serious sportscar. Granted, the 390 is not as fast in a straight line as a 427 'Vette.

Bah, if I had the cash to spend on a muscle car, I wouldn't buy either. I don't care which is actually best - I just want a 1970 AMC AMX with the 390 and go-pack.

How about crossing an intersection, on a green light, just as someone coming from your side runs a red light at high speed?

These people probably do some kind of evil ritual that passes on their BO to hapless stinkers like me. Because the deodorant that can hold my BO for longer than a couple of hours has yet to be invented. When I sweat, I will start stinking something gross. I tried everything, including men's deodorant, to no avail. If

I always find it kind of funny when people refer to liking Coca-Cola a bit too much as their "coke habit". You're not gonna go broke from drinking a lot of Coca Cola. The stuff Cola will do to your body isn't nearly as funky as what coke does.

You could just have one made by a custom car shop, you know. Pimp My Ride nonwithstanding, many custom car workshops can do a lot more than paint your car a tacky color and put rimz and flatscreenz on it.

Just follow the main quest for some more time. Many of the side quests are in fact near impossible at lower levels. The combats along the main quest can be quite hard at times, but there's no real barriers that would prevent you from continuing. Side quests often need substantial proficiency in hacking/lockpicking or

Well, they adressed those dealbreakers in Fallout 3, which was certainly a great game. But if you were to ask me what was the best Fallout, I'd say FO2 any day. Might be rose-tinted glasses, though. After all, back then I had the time to slog through several hours of trial-and-error and frustration, bc playing CRPGs