
PB&J sandwiches? No, but seriously. How about some good old Spaghetti Carbonara (they don't have to be vegan, right?). You probably know how it's made, BUT, like many Americans you might be doing it wrong.

New cars epitomize the "always the next new thing" mindset perfectly - they get "updated" and "refreshed" constantly and are way overstyled, way too many creases and busy "look at me!" designs. So much in fact, that I don't like new cars any more. Not only are they huge, but looks are prioritized so much that

Yeah, those people are annoying. But re: as long as it isn't damaging to others - you wouldn't believe how some people act vs my cars. I live in that one pocket of liberalism Georgia has outisde of Atlanta, Athens (college town!), and some of my friends act like by driving a car that's 20 years old I'm single-handedly

I generally agree with your sentiment (I so rarely wear makeup, when I do it always takes forever and tends to look wonky). BUT the things that fulfill people from the inside differ a lot. Sometimes these things are expensive.

Photo analysis (scientific and all!)

But what 'bout that thar peach onnat plate? Cuz I can think of sum seen-ful ol' peaches...

This is good news obv, but I can't help but read that chairman's statement as "I've made about as much money as I set out to make - now we can abandon the pandering".

I never take sleeping aids - UPPERS ONLY, YO!!

Ah, so you'll have as little tire wall as possible, I suppose?

Ok, so someone clue me in here: why do people stretch their tires? And what exactly does the procedure involve?

Greatest performer to ever have opened her mouth? Not even close. Remember Nina Simone? Hell, personally I'd rank Joyce Kennedy (of Mother's Finest) over Beyonce, if only because her music is real and not some computer generated focus group bs.

I have to say my major fear is point number 1. It often seems to me like the producers and marketing depts are dominated by some of the worst bro-dudes, the sort who might find a booky English major "unappealing to the target audience", i.e. GAY.

As long as they don't feel the need to make it "hotter", what could really go wrong? The comic seems filmable easily enough.

I agree with your sentiment about tailors not being friendly to women, but yeah, how much do you think this new store is going to charge for a tailor-made suit? You can't get a tailor-made suit under 300$ IMO.

The problem about Renault parts availability in the US is that they were most popular in the Northeast, which isn't the ideal environment for a car with seriously iffy rust-proofing.

Really depends. For absolute highest power, you need a big engine. No matter how much boost you run, a built-to-the-max big block will always outrun a built to the max small engine.

Wow, I really can't relate to most articles on this site anymore. Maybe it's time to migrate. Anyone know a site similar to Jez, but for people who aren't fucking 20, or at least act that way.

But Rush made "Red Barchetta", the best automotive song ever! But yeah, they can be annoying. Like Alan Parsons, they think they're soo smart, but really they're just self-absorbed pseudo-intellectuals. Real intellectuals don't have massive stiffy for Ayn Rand.

Well, not everyone invites 100+ people to their wedding. But more to the point, there are some crazy huge hot air balloons with baskets that can hold 60 or so people no problem.