
I'm on the same diet as Lindy. Trouble is, I work a tough manual job (construction carpenter) and come lunchbreak, I feel so hungry, I inevitably, massively overeat. I'm one of those people who come into a Diner in their work clothes leaving sawdust everywhere and proceed to eat a mountain of grits with more eggs and

Right? I mean, for all I know NPH and his husband might be shooting sex tapes all the time, but they just seem so incredibly wholesome and vanilla.

I don't need a list; I can count the sex partners I've had on my hands. Ok, one hand.

Nah, it's a 2.6 auto. I was hesitant to buy it first due to the auto, but the combination of fair price (haggled down to 2,800$) and immaculate condition - the previous owner had intended to drive it for many years to come, but complications from a stroke meant he could no longer drive - were weighty arguments in its

That would have been something, right? But - I've never lived in Camden County. I live in Clarke County, just outside of Athens. I've lived in Atlanta for a short time (I have a real love-hate relationship with that city), and I was born and raised in Jacksonville (just like Lynyrd Skynyrd!).

Yup. There are no other Jacksonvilles that I know of. I live in Georgia, but many of my relatives live in FL.

So far I'm concentrating on getting rid of all rust. I've sand-blasted all body parts some turned out to be beyond saving. Barring some miracle junkyard find, replacements will be expensive, as they have to be shipped from Europe. Luckily, the chassis had only superficial rust that could be removed with a wire brush.

I think you might have missed some sort of joke, although I can't tell you what it is either.

You clearly have never been to Atlanta or Jacksonville. Believe, it is worse there.

They've been nudging us for quite some time now. I don't quite know in which direction, though.

I know so little oldschool TV! I obsessed over The X-Files (down to dressing like dana Scully, which was kind of incongruent seeing how I was an unemployed slacker back then), but other than that I didn't watch much TV. The 90s were the golden era of computer games that take forever and are way hard, after all.

Butterfingers are for when the Queen wants to play frisbee.

Slow day, eh?

Yup, that's him. He plays Ribisi's friend who takes the role of "nice guy who wants to stop his friend from going to the dark side".

I don't think there are many fencesitters on gun issues.

"Everybody at a certain level of wealth is in a SINISTER WEB OF ACQUAINTANCES".

She was poor once, so maybe she could remember how to do it if you gave her an old-school phone?

"Creepy-murderer-accountant". Kind of fitting, seeing how he's a Scientologist.

To me, Giovanni Ribisi will always be the dumb/aggressive slacker kid who could control lightning in one of my favorite X-Files episodes. That show had some great casting agents!

Haha, I couldn't help but notice this as well.