
D&D nerds represent! Nice to see there's at least one other person out there who enjoys cars and D&D. I have yet to actually meet one IRL. When I tell my D&D group about how the restoration of my Renault is coming along (super nerdy car, btw), or the joys of driving my 190E, they listen out of politeness for maybe 2

Wendi McLendon-Covey might just be my favorite person nobody else I know cares about.

Three cheers from Georgia! I was gonna write something like this, but then I saw your post. I'm the first to acknowledge the many problems we have here, but I'm convinced eventually they'll be overcome. I mean, what's the alternative? Move out and leave my homeland to right-wing idiots?

I live in Georgia, which I would characterize as somewhat saner than Alabama, though not by much. Outside of Atlanta and maybe Athens, these people are the majority. Imagine a family with six children, where the father is the unquestioned household dictator who believe in the bible verbatim.

I bought a 190E last fall (with the straight six!). I'm loving it, but if I could also haul oversize loads and have a huge tailgate it would be absolutely perfect.

Oh yeah, cars in pieces generally tend not to win any favors with non-enthusiasts. My boyfriend is not unlike your gf when it comes to cars. I don't own anything as remotely cool as an AMX, but I do have a Renault Fuego (AMC-built!) in pieces, which does not do my side any favors.

Yeah, they seem to be pretty rare nowadays. At car shows, all the AMCs you usually see are AMXs, Javelins and maybe some Rebels (mostly "Machines", wonder how many are genuine). Occasionally there will be a Matador.

Love the rear styling of the coupe. Probably a very nice car, but as I've never driven one I can't say much more.

"Do you consider yourself a baller?" Well, let me check.

I know that (obviously). I'm talking about the soldiers who actively elect to do combat duty.

I started watching the video, had a revelation, and let the theme from Naked Gun play in another tab. I feel like such a genius right now!

I remember being on an airport with a people mover system (I think it might have been Dallas/Fort Worth) back in the 80s and when the doors closed a warning/notice to the passengers was played in this weird pseudo-robot monotone voice - even though it was obviously a recording.

I've always wondered what makes soldiers (of any gender) want to be in combat roles. Who says "I want to go out there and kill some people?".

Except he wears a suit with little runway markings on it.

Basic template: "tell you the truth, right now it only makes x hp which is good for 0-60 in [unimpressive number]. But once I install bolt-on aftermarket parts y and z, I'll be kicking Corvette ass left and right!"

Genius. Whenever someone asks me about my Renault Fuego in the future, I'll tell them the engine and chassis are basically the same as in a Porsche.

It's basically like those hovercars in Blade Runner, dude. Oh, you thought those were non-functional models? Nu-uh. Ridley Scott doesn't abide fake shit. The fights in Gladiator were real as well, Russell Crowe almost got killed this one time.

I'm afraid talking won't do much good. You don't happen to be wealthy enough to buy an AMX? Because that little demon melts the coldest hearts.

He's a terribly distracted driver (typical IT guy, I dare say) though, so he's not getting any seat time. I'm not washing and waxing that car every week to have it dented in some inattentive lane change maneuver.

I, too, have yet to meet another AMC fangirl. I've actually met some other serious female gearheads over time - but in my experience, most female hardcore enthusiasts either drive Lancer Evos, Sti Subarus et al. as part of the autocross crowd, or souped-up entry-level muscle like an F-bodies or Fox Mustangs. I did