
I have a boyfriend - who is wonderful, but so far has resisted my every attempt to get him interested in cars. You should see his face when I make him tag along at car shows.

The Eagle, because I'm an AMC fangirl. My dream garage would not be complete without an AMX and a Grand Wagoneer with all the bells and whistles (the Jeep would also come in handy when all the French and Italian cars in my dream garage would have to be towed).

I was merely making an observation. I'm really very much against over-sexualisation of teenage girls, but this probably didn't come across in my post. I just remember that back when I went to high school, the cheerleaders wore what amounted to a Hooters outfit, and some of them still did stuff to their outfits to make

That's what cheerleaders wear now? I'm not saying it's a bad development, au contraire, serious sport and all that, but back at my highschool and outfit like that would have gotten you sneers of "did your grandma pick that out for you?". Apparently not everything gets sexier all the time.

The simple answer is beginning dementia. It continues to the point where old folks shit in their closet because they confuse with their toilet - all they remember is there being a small door somewhere close to their bed.

Whoops, we accidentally black culture.

You'd have to see it first. If all you know of porn is the admittedly perfectly fine to quite awesome queer and indie stuff you watch and love, it's easy to get worked up over people who tell you porn is nasty.

Don't be deliberately obtuse. There's two things going on: the American porn industry mainstream has become deeply misogynist in what its products routinely depict, that doesn't mean the performers don't get fair pay or are exploited per se.

I'd agree, if porn were an egalitarian deal it would be great. But most of it remains deeply misogynist, not to mention the super skeevy is-this-still-consent shit that's still being produced because apparently people want it. Yes, a lot of the really bad stuff is produced outside of the USA, but that doesn't make it

He looks like the least sympathetic man in the world.

Angry people telling you how awesomely liberating porn is in 3... 2... 1...

There are times when I think I should have finished college and have gotten an academic job. But then there are other times, like right now, when I am completely happy as a carpenter. A typical job site may not exactly be a bastion of progressivism, but at least you're not expected to work for nothing or be a hushy

I've definitely noticed that, too. What do they think, that there's a gaping abyss behind the crest? Or that they'll take off rally-style if they go faster than 20mph?

Yeah, but keep in mind that non-exotic European cars, even executive cars, that weren't German were bog slow back in the day and for the most part still are.

Whew, for a second there I was afraid you might say "nah, I'm going to drop an LS2 in it".

That would be one of those photos you keep around, but can never show to anybody.

Birmingham, home of my youth. I'd describe it as a racist, underdeveloped shithole, but actual shitholes might take offense.

This has the pontential to create a whole new demographic.

Somehow this picture strikes me as actually quite sexy as opposed to the simple boring tackiness of most "hot chick with a sportscar" pics. Maybe because I'm an ass girl.

You know what all these "hot curvy stars" have in common? They have thin people faces. No double chins, no chubby cheeks etc. Because while bigger boobs and asses are apparently kind of acceptable now, obviously nobody wants to look at a woman whose face isn't that of a delicate china doll.