
Eh, I got nothing against Christie in particular. Yes, he's anti-abortion and as such is basically dead to this site. And with some right. But still, a Republican party with Christie at the front would be a great improvement, because he's a pragmatic person who doesn't have to make everything about FREEDOM and GODDDD.

While watching AD, I constantly caught myself thinking "I know these characters are supposed to be awful caricatures, why am I agreeing so much with them?"

I have an older brother I get along very well, always have. Now my 2 sisters and my younger brother, that's another story. As kids, we'd constantly vie for our parent's attention, who were always more interested in playing golf and drinking lots of scotch and throwing fancy dinners (which meant we children had to be

The "no new taxes ever" thing is a telltale sign of the storm-in-a-teacup conservative - these especially insufferable new kids who want to be popular right now, because they think politics is like making a career in their daddy's company.

Post-patriarchy? Whoops, the saboteur strikes again! But we're on to you Schwyzer, you won't lull us into complacency!

You realize this was a joke, right? Plus, I would say that deluded customers are indeed victims to some degree.

I know victim-blaming is wrong, but have you seen the price tags on some of these super stylish clothes? They're just asking to get stolen!

Haha, I'm not actually that far from civilization. Athens, GA ain't no Seattle, but it's a college town so there's that. My circle of friends are all on the nerdy side of things though, and we nerds generally tend to make a big, traditional deal out of such things. Not least because LOOK I MANAGED TO GET MARRIED NOW

Wow, just when I thought I had you big city folks figured out, I learn about some new mysterious thing you do.

I'm not sure the "people don't need it" argument works. Owning an assault rifle is a bit like owning a sportscar - you don't need a car that does 0-60 in under 5 seconds and was built to perform on a racetrack. A Toyota - or in the cities even public transit - will transport you just as well.

All I'm gonna say is "Universal Soldier: Regeneration". That is some hilarious shit.

I suppose. Although people who have sex for free usually do it because they want to have sex. If it is your only income, you'd have to have a lot of sex at 35$ and while I guess it is possible that you just love all the sex you're having, somehow I can't imagine that's the usual scenario in that "price category"

It certainly doesn't look cinema-grade. If we're talking straight-to-video however, there's a lot of stuff out there that is professional insofar as it is supposed to make money that looks a whole lot worse.

Yeah, it's all fancy titles and a sweet operating theater set and then the special-ops dudes are wearing random shrink-wrap-three-pack black undershirts. They never get the little details right.

Sadly. I mean, it was everybody, really. Even Oscar Wilde (though his primary dick credentials are in the egocentrism department).

Yeah, the idea is cool in theory, but give me some sweet 48fps CGI over this any day! It is 2012, not 1912 after all.

He's like all of these old-timey broody men: racist dick (so racist that he thought of himself as second-class), but since he's dead I'm entitled to artistic license.

Actual quote: “It is good to be a cynic — it is better to be a contented cat — and it is best not to exist at all.”

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

Lovecraft-cat pun #2: That is not dead which can eternal lie, he just sleeps really much.