
That is not dead which can eternal lie, because I just saw it lick its own genitals.

I wasn't saying "you" as in "you there", but as in "how can one not see...". But I see how it could be misinterpreted.

Yes, I gathered as much. Not sure why you felt the need to spell it out for me. But 35$, much less 10?! Maybe I'm naive, but how emotionally cold do you have to be to offer somebody 10 dollars for sex? How can you not see/care that this borders on dehumanizing?

Ok, so 35 bucks is possible you say. Is it possible in a non-awful setting? The way things are around here, I picture him going to a meth addict in one of the many trailer parks.

Either the scale of the car models vs the environment is way off, or NK's propaganda highways are even more massive than those in other (ex-)communist countries. Our lane markers are the widest in the world!

Just out of interest, since you seem to know: what would a typical rate be for a sex worker who is not an Olympian, white, middle-class escort? This being in a rural area of Georgia. I promise this is not some backhanded attempt at playing "gotcha!".

Yeah, didn't even think about the turning cycle - obviously the wheels can't turn all that far. I think it all comes down to what the bodywork is made of. If it's aluminum, the car wouldn't be all that heavy, but if it's steel it must be a tank!

The problem is exacerbated for me - while my stance on guns is aligned with positions typically championed by right-wing politicians, I'm fairly left-wing on social and economic issues as well as absolutely not religious. Now you try finding a pro-gun politician who isn't also a Christian pro-lifer and a fiscal

Oh man, don't get me started on these sites. In interviews, many of these asshole producers even claim they're doing the girls a favor because "once they've done a scene with us, they're never doing another".

It works the other way around too. My parents were pretty rich, but they were always way too busy being at some excuse to get drunk with their country club peers to ever be home on the evenings.

Well, I suppose more education is never a bad thing. I do think buying a gun for "peace of mind" without ever thinking about really using it is a very bad idea. I'm a woman, and I know that if somebody tries to mug or rape me, the only way my gun is going to do me any good is if I know how to handle it properly,

That's the cheap way to offroad capability!

I wonder what these super-fancy art-déco behemoths are like to drive. All that bodywork has to be seriously heavy, and while Delahayes had some powerful engines (for the time), the suspension designs of the time were live axles galore.

Because everyone was waiting for Vector to do it before realizing they were full of shit for the most part.

How do we need more "education"? Every gun owner I know is pretty much an expert on gun and gun safety. I'm with you on the gun free zones though. It makes zero sense to me how not being allowed to bring guns to work or to an airport is supposed to increase safety.

Haha, perfect!

Back when I went to college we didn't have those fancy energy drinks. And I still managed to get into endless newsgroup discussions while simultaneously playing 24-hour sessions of NetHack.

I do like the way it looks and feels. But I abhor the hassle and I would never spend money on it. So I end up shaving maybe 2-3 times a year and thinking "hey, that's really nice maybe I should do this more often". But I never do - because why spend more time in the bathroom on a sunday when I could be playing video

It's kinda sad that AMC threw it all away starting from the mid-70s. They made some really cool cars before that. I'm not a huge fan of muscle cars, but I'd give some pretty vital organs for a meticulously restored Javelin AMX.

Hey now, plenty of men do that, too. My father used to go to absurd extremes to keep up the resale value of his cars as he would get a new one pretty much every year.