
Morgan. Because I'm a carpenter and I also love cars.

The more gruesome of the two car crashes I've been involved in (and the only one where I was driving) was due to the other driver mistaking "absence of red light" for "good to go".

Did you know there's a conspiracy theory to accompany these videos? Apparently, some loonies believe they are fabrications intended to negatively inform Western public opinion about Russians

Haha, that is the best way of saying "you're an ass!". Are you from the South by any chance?

That's what I thought of too - it's not a Winnebago, though. It's a Fleetwood, and unlike Chrysler, Fleetwood totally missed their chance for a tie-in!

I always thought the whole movie was supposed to be a "gotcha!", that as the viewer learns that the protagonist is really just a sad loser, they are supposed to feel bad for rooting for him. It's a lot like what "Taxi Driver" did, or more recently "Drive".

I just don't like LOTR specifically. Otherwise, I'm a pretty huge sci-fi and fantasy nerd (although I do prefer fantasy as backdrop for pen and paper or computer games to fantasy novels).

Just admit that it sucked. That your favorite hype-project is a stink bomb. And stop trying to contort yourself to make it awesome somehow. Here is an honest review:

Then you are one of the many people who didn't get the books. They are boring, but for a reason. The movie was made to be ENTERTAINING all of the time and so it sucked.

Tolkien in general is boring as fuck. It's like reading the bible.

Both suck, so I see no problem with that. Take off your rose-tinted childhood glasses and read it again, it's tonally inconsistent, largely incoherent SEXIST mess.

Except he was never awesome at it. Peter Jackson is a hack who butchered the LOTR source material (not that it was very good to begin with IMO). Sadly, because everyone LOVED it and he got hella acclaim for it, nobody is going to try an adaptation that is faithful to the spirit of the books anytime soon.

What do you expect from a movie by a director who knows as much about nuance as Michael Bay? Of course he's gonna try to hop that shit up. He should have left it to some other director like he was originally going to do.

It's not any better when they do it.

Hear hear! Sad that some people still need to have it spelled out for them. That comment really bugged me. Sometimes it can be a bit weird being a woman who reads both Jalopnik and Jezebel.

You know, fiscal cliff this, respect for Afghan sovereignity that. What would effectively put a stop to this is increasing the NATO presence and offering an unconditional exit program for Afghan women. "If you want to leave this country, come to us. We will guard you until we can extract you to a country that

Cue all the people ragging on public television. While conveniently forgetting that Top Gear is produced by a public channel. Which also produces many other excellent shows.

Oh, I see. Because of that one time a disabled person was an ass to you, all disabled persons can go fuck themselves. Sorry, had I known about that anecdote, I never would have written my original comment. Your personal experience changes everything!

Sometimes I do wonder how people in Europe (outside of Germany anyway) do it, where the average family car has like 1.2l and 100-120hp, but still weighs about 3,000lbs thanks to modern safety regulations. How do they overtake? Because European semi trucks aren't any slower than their American counterparts.

Phyiscally impaired people are probably real sorry, too. You know, for inconveniencing you.